Контроль навичок письма з англійської мови 5 клас І семестр

(до підручника А.М.Несвіт)

Автор: учитель англійської мови Скочко Ольга Леонідівна


Variant 1

  1. Match the words to their definitions.
  2. Someone who is very happy.                             A) clever
  3. Someone who knows a lot of things.                 B) hardworking
  4. Someone who likes to work hard.                     C) cheerful
  1. Match the parts of the sentences.
  2. You go to the cinema           a) to see an exhibition
  3. You go to the museum         b) to watch or look at the animals
  4. You go to the zoo                  c) to watch a film
  1. Complete the table with the sentences.
Present Simple 1.
Present Continuous 3.
Past Simple 5.
Present Perfect 7.
  1. Look! She is dancing now.
  2. My mother works in a bank.
  3. Has your friend written a letter yet?
  4. My Granny cooked chicken two days ago.
  5. The pupils have already done the lessons.
  6. Do the boys play football every weekend?
  7. The girl helped parents yesterday.
  8. They aren’t watching TV at the moment.
  1. Answer the questions.
  • What do you usually have for breakfast?
  • What is your favourite TV programme?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What do you usually wear in summer?


Variant 2

  1. Match the words to their definitions.
  2. Someone who is very active.                         A) attentive
  3. Someone who always tells the truth.             B) lively
  4. Someone who always listen to the teacher.   C) honest
  1. Match the parts of the sentences.
  2. You go to the theatre         a) to watch the animal show
  3. You go to the gallery         b) to see an exhibition
  4. You go to the circus           c) to watch a play
  1. Complete the table with the sentences.
Present Simple 1.
Present Continuous 3.
Past Simple 5.
Present Perfect 7.
  1. My parents like to visit their parents at the weekends.
  2. We are listening to music now.
  3. My parents have bought a new car.
  4. Did the boys play chess yesterday?
  5. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.
  6. My mother boiled eggs for breakfast yesterday.
  7. He hasn’t done the task yet.
  8. Her sister doesn’t live in a big city.
  1. Answer the questions.
  • What are you wearing now?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What do you usually have for dinner?


Variant 1

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
Present Simple 1. My mother works in a bank.

2. Do the boys play football every weekend?

Present Continuous 3. Look! She is dancing now.

4. They aren’t watching TV at the moment.

Past Simple 5. My Granny cooked chicken two days ago.

6. The girl helped parents yesterday.

Present Perfect 7. Has your friend written a letter yet?

8. The pupils have already done the lessons.


Variant 2

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
Present Simple 1. My parents like to visit their parents at the weekends.

2. Her sister doesn’t live in a big city.

Present Continuous 3. We are listening to music now.

4. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.

Past Simple 5. Did the boys play chess yesterday?

6. My mother boiled eggs for breakfast yesterday.

Present Perfect 7. My parents have bought a new car.

8. He hasn’t done the task yet.


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3 коментарі

  1. насичені завдання, але перше це на перевірку вивчених лексичних одиниць, але ж не письма. ось 3 та 4 більш підходять для перевірки навичок письма. та загалом гарна контрольна робота.

  2. Досить цікаві завдання, хоча 1-е і 2-е завдання швидше лексичні, вони демонструють рівень засвоєння учнями лексичного матеріалу, а контроль навиків письма спрямований на перевірку розуміння учнями граматичних явищ, або ж вміння будувати письмове висловлювання на задану тему.

  3. Підготувати контроль навичок письма у мене завжди викликає труднощі! Адже ми маємо перевірити, як учні навчилися щось писати. Ну це я так розумію. І от прочитавши Вашу контрольну, я не можу погодитися, що 1 завдання – це завдання на контроль навичок письма, але це моє бачення.