Конспект уроку – дискусії для 10 класу “Школи світу”

Автор: вчитель англійської мови Смоляр Ірина Зіновіївна

Метою уроку є вдосконалювати розвиток комунікативних здібностей та критичного мислення шляхом дискусії, сприяти розвитку міжкультурних зв’язків за допомогою методу проектів. (До конспекту уроку додається зразок однієї з учнівських презентацій).


Schools around the world.

Level – intermediate


  • To develop students’ skills for discussion
  • To develop a creative way of thinking
  • To develop students’ group communicative skills
  • To encourage students to work on projects
  • To help students to be more aware of the school life in different countries
  • To broaden students’ outlook
  • To help students to build bridges of friendship between teenagers of different countries, to be more tolerant and understanding

Motto: The fate of our nation depends on the education of youth (Atistotle)

  1. Greeting

T: Good morning, my dear friends. Welcome to our international youth club “ Future belongs to us.” I’d like to greet our guests and tell them some warm kind words. (Students are giving compliments to the guests present at the lesson)

You look wonderful today.

I love your lessons.

Your smile is too sweet.

T: Today we are going to overcome all the distances between different countries and try to become more aware of the system of secondary education and the school life of teenagers in the USA, Britain and our home country. Besides, we’ll try to discuss more burning problems of youth around the world and I hope we’ll become more tolerant and understanding. So, the topic of our lesson is “ Schools around the world”.

(the objectives on slide 1)

  1. Warming up

T: In order to create a positive atmosphere in our club I suggest you saying a chant together. Things are getting better

With every passing day

Every day in every way

We are getting better

Who’s the most enthusiastic?

We are!

Who’s the smartest?

We are!

Who’s the most creative?

We are!

Who never gives up?

We do!

T: And now let’s play a word- association game. I’d like you to express your feelings or memory relating to the word “school” (sample answers)

For me school parties are exciting.

School is teachers and students.

It’s doing my endless lessons.

Wearing school uniform…

  1. Main part

T: As I have already said today we are having a meeting of students from different countries at our youth club. You were split into 3 groups according to your choice . Each group was given to do a project on the topic : The system of secondary education in the USA, Britain and Ukraine” You tried to keep your presentations and preparations in secret

Besides, the representatives of each country were told to have special things to identify their country.

T: Now in order to get to know each other better you may ask 3 questions you like. Feel free to ask about everything concerning your interests.

Chain work: Answer the questions and ask a representative from any other country another question.

Sample questions:

1. Do you feel quite at home at your school?

2. What problems do teenagers of your country face today?

3. Will you name 3 things which usually cause problems?

4. What is your biggest fear?

5. Is your school a joy or burden for you?

6. Do you believe in love from the first sight?

7. What are your preferences in music?

8. What is your favourite way to spend free time?

9. What is one of the goals you hope to achieve in the future? (sample answers)

Ukrainian student: Sure , because it’s our second home, we spend the best part of our time here.

British student : Well, It depends. If your school isn’t a privileged one, then sometimes, especially when a student is bullied because of his uniform or other thing he can hardly feel quite at home.

American student : As for problems, true to say, we can’t be quite independent because we have to live with our parents and they don’t always understand us…

  1. Before starting your presentations I’d like you to do the following: get a chart and while listening to your friends’ projects fill it with the necessary information. Use the following linking phrases (given)

 For similarities:

  • Similar to….
  • Both….
  • Neither….

For difference :

  • Unlike…
  • On the contrary…
  • In contrast to….
  • In comparison with…


What do we have in common?  
In what way are we different?  
What is typical teenager like?  

Students’ presentations. (power point)

  1. Discussion “ what do we have in common?”

T: before starting discussion let’s decide on some rules.

Remember 3 “R” s :

  1. Respect for yourself.
  2. Respect for others.
  3. Responsibility for all of your actions.

Never laugh at anyone’s ideas or mistakes.

Don’t let a little dispute injure our friendship.

So, now use the information in your charts let’s discuss schools of the countries you have presented. ( sample answers)

S 1: Every school is a reflection of the life of its society so no wonder there’s cross- cultural differences between countries.

S 2: In Ukraine similar to the USA and GB students consider a good education to be a very important step on the way to their future successful career…

T: In what way are we different?

S 1: Unlike Ukraine and the USA British children start their schooling at the age of 5.

S 2: In contrast to Ukraine education in Britain is selected…

T: What is typical global teenager like?

Now working in your groups write down your ideas. (Sample answers)

S 1: They are crazy about the same music.

S 2: They are starting to hang around together on the Internet.

S 3: They have same problems as smoking, alcohol, drugs…

T: Yes. I fully agree with all of you. Now I’d like you to show that students from all the world are talented and show your talents here.

(A song by a “ British “student “ Cry”) and a Ukrainian student.

T: So, let’s try to understand each other better and support in any trouble. It’s a small world, isn’t it? If we change some stereotypes different countries have about each other the world will become kinder and happier. Do you remember? “ Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of the dreams.” So, let’s believe, shall we?

Презентація 1:

Завантажити презентацію на диск

Презентація 2:

завантажити презентацію на диск

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3 коментарі

  1. Урок вдосконалює розвиток комунікативних здібностей та критичного мислення шляхом дискусії, сприяє розвитку міжкультурних зв’язків за допомогою методу проектів. Презентація допоможе дітям наяву відчути різницю у системі освіти різних країн.

  2. Протягом уроку вчитель використовує інтерактивні форми навчання – дискусія, метод проектів. Дані методи допомагають підвищити розмовну практику на уроці та за його межами, краще засвоїти лексичний та граматичний матеріал

  3. На даному уроці ічитель за головну мети ставить розвиток мовлення учнів, їх вміння висловити власну думку та розширити кругозір з виучуваної теми. Урок чіткий, грамотно побудований, містить значну кількість корисної інформації. на такому уроці вчитель виступає в ролі наставника, а не передавача знань. Сподобався зразок учнівської роботи, видно, що школярі не вперше виконують подібні завдання. Дякую.