Урок професійного спрямування з англійської мови. Тема: “Arriving into the country. Airport. Customs and passport control”
Автор: викладач англійської мови Ярославська Тетяна Василівна
Урок професійного спрямування з англійської мови “Arriving into the country. Airport. Customs and passport control” містить у собі різні форми роботи з учнями , які стимулюють до вивчення іноземної мови, розуміння особливостей свого мислення, уміння вчитися працювати з додатковим матеріалом у команді,знайомить з морально-етичними цінностями культури Британії, основними правилами та порадами під час подорожування країнами світу, сприяє виховання в учнів культури спілкування, розуміння важливостей оволодіння іноземною мовою. Для використання викладачами англійської мови у старшій школі .
The main aim:
Educational: understanding own thinking, the ability to learn and to work with the help of additional material.
Developing: development of pupils’ competencies speech (phonetic and intonation hearing, logical teaching ideas).
Practical: the practical master of pupils’ communication (social, informational) of competences to a level sufficient to make foreign language communication.
Educational: pupils’ education of cultural communication, understanding the importance of learning different foreign languages.
Type of the lesson: practical lessons ( lesson of the research) with some interactive elements.
The form of the lesson: a role play, an individual work with pupils.
Equipment: different statements on the topic, distributing of didactic material for quizzes, some visual material.
Course of the lesson:
- Goal-setting stage
- Warming up
- Stage of the implementation goals
- Control stage
- Summing up of the lesson
- Analysis and evaluation of pupils
- Hometask
Course of the lesson
- Goal-setting stage
Dear boys and girls! Glad to see you!! Good morning! Sit down, please. Today we’ll continue our work at the topic ” Arriving in the country. Airport, customs and passport control.”. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to speak about the main rulers when you are arriving into another country, distinguish the concepts “customs control” and “passport control”, and of course, the main idea – to understand the importance of learning foreign languages and using them into practical life.
Introduction to the foreign language atmosphere
So, let’s cross the border from Ukraine and arriving by plane to the Great Britain.
Are you ready for seeking new adventures???
There are moments in every person’s life when he wants to travel. Everyone understands travelling in his own way. Some people consider trips to new towns or countries offered by different tourism firms to be the best way to travel.
These package tours are for the laziest.
The other prefer walking tours and tourism.
There are also people who are fond of mountain climbing.
The sea tours are also very popular among people.
For some people travelling is associated with visiting ancient cities.
There also exists a very interesting and cheap kind of travelling – hitch-hiking, which is popular among youth.
And how is without exotic kinds of travelling, like travelling on a balloon……..??
Speaking about different types of travelling, one should say that any of them is a good method of having a rest and spending some new unusual life.
Some question for pupils
There are a lot of different English proverbs and saying about it. Have you are prepared some words on these posters?
So, the motto of our today’s lesson is:
” Just look at the road, don’t worry about where it’s going….Who does not know any foreign language, he does not know his own …. As a new language is a new world… ”
- Warming up
- What means travelling for you? – It means……….
- What kinds or travelling do you know?
- Do you like to travel? Have you ever travelled?
- Do you know the main rulers of passport and customs control?
- And what about Ukraine customs rules?
III. Stage of the implementation goals
Teacher’s speech
Let’s continue our works into groups. You’ll be proposed some reports which you’re to illustrate with different situations.
Now we’ll organize 2 round tables, where we’ll discuss some problems about the main rules of passport and customs control, when you are arriving into another country.
So, we have two teams. And the third team will be as our judges, who will control and evaluate our response teams. For each correct answer – 1 point.
So we start with the first team. The captain of the team prepared for us some report about “The customs and passport clearance”.
The second team, be careful, because after reports will be some questions.
Questions to opposite team:
- What is the customs clearance?
- Where is passport control carry out?
- You see the list of some documents. You must divided them into two colums: documents for crossing the state boarder of Ukrainian citizens and for foreign citizens.
Teacher’s speech:
- Judge, estimate, please! So, the team has _______ points. ….
- How do you think, what method of a reservation is the most popular now?
- personally at the airport; – by telephone; – by internet
- Why do you think so?
- It’s the fastest and easiest method.
- You can do it at your free time
- You can pay not only at the check-in-desk, but also with the help of your card if you are at home
Teacher’s speech:
Yes, you are right. Imagine, that you are a traveller and you need to reservate two tickets to Sydney, one single and one return. We need ask the clerk at the booking-office for tickets.
Let’s listen to the dialogue.
Reservations clerk: | — | Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you? |
Mary Jones: | — | Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon? |
Reservations clerk: | — | One moment, please… Yes. There´s a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00. |
Mary Jones: | — | That´s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I´ll be staying three weeks. |
Reservations clerk: | — | Economy, business class or first class ticket? |
Mary Jones: | — | Economy, please. |
Reservations clerk: | — | That would be €346. |
Mary Jones: | — | OK. Could I make a reservation? |
Reservations clerk: | — | Certainly. Which flight would you like? |
Mary Jones: | — | The 16:45, please. |
Reservations clerk: | — | Could I have your name, please? |
Mary Jones: | — | My name is Mary Jones, that´s M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S. |
Reservations clerk: | — | How would you like to pay, Mrs. Jones? |
Mary Jones: | — | Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket? |
Reservations clerk: | — | Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time. |
Mary Jones: | — | I see. |
Reservations clerk: | — | Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476. |
Mary Jones: | — | Thank you. Good –bye! |
Reservations clerk: | Wellcome. Good –bye! |
Teacher’s speech:
We see how we can reservate a ticket. It will be necessary for you for the future. But we must continue. Next team represent us the presentation “Airport and passport control”
Questions to opposite team:
- How many clases of travelling do you know?
- What documents do you get that to fill in?
- What the main rules do you must remember if you are at the airport? Write them one by one into the list
Teacher’s speech:
– Judge, estimate, please! So, the team has _______ points. ….Let’s continue…..
There are different situations, that can confront the average foreigner…
What is it? Here is an example of one of it…
Nice city…In front of some café…..Foreigner…..(THE SCENE).
Teacher’s speech:
- So, what is the main idea of this unusual situation? What we must remember from it?
- We must remember, that we should know the professional vocabulary
- We should understand the importance of knowing at least one foreign language
- If you will know foreign languages, you will find good job.
- Control stage
Associative method
So, now we are doing a little control of your knowledge of our theme. Your task: to find for an association corresponding value of the options. You have maximum 5 minutes. But you should do this task quickly. Let’s go….
Summing up of the lesson
Dear friends!
Today we’ve discussed some sayings about the main rulers when you are arriving into another country, distinguish the concepts “customs control” and “passport control”; you’ve heard some usefull information about it and discussed some problems. And of course, the main idea – to understand the importance of learning foreign languages and using them into practical life.
What was the most interesting for you.
Analysis and evaluation of pupils
VII. Hometask
To write a letter for a newspaper about advantages and disadvantages of knowledge of several foreign languages and using them into your life.
“If all good people were clever,
And all clever people were good,
The world would be nicer than ever.”
In order our world to be nicer than ever, let’s be good and clever! For it learn foreign languages, because so many languages you know, so many times you are a man. A new language is a new world.
Мені також сподобалась розробка – детальністю подання, різноманітністю вправ і видів роботи.
Діалогічне мовлення розвивається на вправах, наближених до реальних життєвих ситуацій.Ефективна групова робота. Дякую.
Вчитель методично вірно будує урок, добирає форми і методи роботи, які сприятимуть досягнення мети на уроці. Учні працюють у команді, розвивають комунікативні навички. Педагог створює сприятливі умови для всебічного розвитку школярів.
Щиро дякую за приємні слова!!!
Детальний конспект уроку англійської мови з прописаними словами вчителя. Сподобалися завдання пізнавального характеру для підвищення загальної обізнаності учнів. Гарні вправи підібрані на розвиток діалогічного мовлення, закріплення граматичного матеріалу.