INTEGRATED ENGLISH AND IT LESSON ” English-speaking countries through the program ” Windows cinema”” 10 form
Автор: Викладач англійської мови Куриленко Ольга Анатоліївна
AIM: Using IT to develop communicative competence.
English Objectives:
• to revise and fix the vocabulary on the topic;
• to revise “The use of articles with geographical names”;
• to develop speaking (dialogue, monologue);
• to develop academic skills such as note taking;
• to develop interest in other countries;
• to develop the ability to work in cooperation in groups;
• to motivate students for further learning English language.
IT Objectives:
• To acquaint students with the program ” Windows cinema”;
• To develop the ability to think analytically ;
• To develop creative abilities.
THEME: English- speaking countries through the program ” Windows cinema”
AIM: Using IT to develop communicative competence.
English Objectives:
- to revise and fix the vocabulary on the topic;
- to revise “The use of articles with geographical names”;
- to develop speaking (dialogue, monologue);
- to develop academic skills such as note taking;
- to develop interest in other countries;
- to develop the ability to work in cooperation in groups;
- to motivate students for further learning English language.
IT Objectives:
- To acquaint students with the program ” Windows cinema”;
- To develop the ability to think analytically ;
- To develop creative abilities.
The type of the lesson: integrated lesson
Teaching resources and equipment: computers, Smart Board, Internet, Power Point,, programe “Windows cinema”.
Home preparation of the “Network project”:
It was to create pupils` own personal video clip on the theme “English speaking countries”. They used information retrieval, conversation with a native speaker online through the Skype. Also they used electronic dictionaries, textbooks, and sites with cross-cultural information .Also it was suggested to use the website http://www ,where children could take the information from their English-speaking pen pals, chat in various chat rooms with peers from English-speaking countries. Using a technology “Cloud”, they could exchange ideas, suggestions and consulted with teachers.
- Introduction
- Greeting
Teacher: Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you!
Ps: We are glad to see you too!
We have a very unusual lesson today because we should use English knowledge in Computer Science.
English teacher :I with teacher of IT will teach you how to make your own video products. Today I am going to sum up all the material about Great Britain, the USA, Australia,New Zealand and Canada. We will remember the words connected with this topic and revise grammar “The use of articles with geographical names”. Also we will appreciate your work with marks and certificates in both subjects English and IT.
Computer science teacher refreshes the students ‘ knowledge and prepares them for motivation and goal setting:
-informs the topic of the lesson;
– formulates the aim of involving students;
– reveals the practical importance of the material, motivating students to be active in the activities during the lesson.
3)Warming up
Look at the slide. Here you can see some proverbs :
So many countries, so many customs.
So many men, so many minds.
Tell me please, what is the main idea of them? Can you explain?
The first thing that comes to our mind when we are speaking about any county is its geography. Now give your associations to this word. A cluster is on the
(Location, boundary, area, water resources, cities, towns, etc.)
2.The Main part.
1)Refreshing and fixing .
Vocabulary Practice.
English teacher :
-I’LL give you the shapes of different English –speaking countries on the Smart Board. Guess what countries have such shapes. You’ll have 1 minute to guess.
-Now a little Quiz. Fill in the gaps on the SMART BOARD
What country: 1…is the smallest continent and the biggest island?
2…consists of 4countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
3…is the second largest country in the world?
4…is called Land Down Under?
5…has unique flora and fauna?
-Match the countries and the word combinations corresponding to them.
(The teacher demonstrates on the multimedia Board, the names of countries and phrases that students should choose and combine).
Great Britain ( an island state),
Australia (a “Lucky country”),
New Zealand ( an upside down country),
the USA ( a real melting pot),
Canada (the second largest country in the world).
The development of pupils` dialogical speech. Group work.
The teacher conducts a review lexical units on the topic using questions.
The teacher asks them to unite and to work in groups of 5 countries.
T.: Ask each other questions and answer them .
For example:
1) Where is your country?
2) what areas does it border?
3) What are the territory and population of the country?
4) Which city is the capital?
5) What landscapes can be found in the territory of your country?
6) What are the major rivers?
7)What climate does dominate?
Presentation slide
T.: We continue to talk to you about the English-speaking countries. And so our language is competent, we will repeat the material. Look at Clichés as to describe the country( choral and individual repetition)
Presentation slide
Look at the collage of English-speaking countries. Use Clichés and be ready to speak about it. You have only 2 minutes!
3)Grammar Practice .
Students are tested on the topic “The use of articles with geographical names”
4)The stage of preparation for the practical assignment.
Science teacher: What is this program? (software to record, edit, and arrange audio and video to create movies). How can we open or close ? ( View task ) Where do we start to edit the film? ( task – import – images, video or audio ).
Computer Science teacher is demonstrating the creation of the film on the interactive whiteboard.
Pupils are doing their note taking.
5)While -practical assignment.
Students are creating their own movies at the computers
English language teacher in turns is coming up to a group that is willing to do the sounding of their film.
The students again are reading the text about English- speaking country, if there are mistakes, the teacher corrects. The students in groups are presenting the sounding of the film and nearly made films to English and IT teachers.
T.: Now let’s have a rest. Close your eyes and listen to the great English composer Vaughan Williams.
Concluding Part.
1)Summing up
English teacher :Let’s summarize our work. What’s new have you learned today?
What task was the most difficult for you?
Pupils are referring to the main activities of the lesson and evaluating their work.
Computer science teacher:
What was useful for you?
What new programme have you learned today?
Where can you use this knowledge?
2) Home task :
“My movie project”
English Teacher: At the next lesson you will need to provide us, in class, ready for watching movies about the country you have chosen. Be ready to answer our questions about your country. At home, prepare questions for each other. Also at the next lesson we will learn how to write a” Film review”. You will receive a certificate for your work.
IT Teacher : Practise at home with this programe more.
Saying goodbye.
T: Stand up, children! Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Goodbye!
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Internet sources
Хорошее дополнительное образование можно получить так же в школе английского языка EnglishPapa Обучение онлайн, приемлемые цены, есть бесплатный пробный урок
Подобається те, що на уроці присутні ІКТ, адже в наш час без компютерів, проекторів провести урок уже не те. дітям це завжди цікаво, адже урок наближується до життя. в уроці простежується звязок з іншими шкільними предметами, що допоможе застосувати знання з англійської мови в різних сферах життя.
Приємно бачити дійсно сучасний урок , грамотно оформлений та продуманий. Урок,його мета дуже актуальні,адже сучасні діти,топто покоління Z як кажуть вчені вже народилось з гаджетами в руках.На моюдумкузараз є дуже важливим для вчителя показати як доцільно використовувати їх(гаджетів)можливості. Вміння сучасної людини володіти ІКТ важко переоцінити. Англійська та КТ-це шлях ,успішний шлях наших учнів у майбутньому. Тому дуже вдячна за цей урок автору.