Конспект уроку ˝Health and illnesses. Revision of Past Simple and Past Continuous, many and much˝
Автор публікації
ПІБ автора: Галишак Світлана Ярославівна
Посада: Вчитель англійської мови
Місце роботи: Гімназія села Поповичі
Посада: Вчитель англійської мови
Місце роботи: Гімназія села Поповичі
- Information and skills gaining: to learn new linguistic units and apply them in speech; to learn how to express one`s own opinion on a specific topic and to use in practice student knowledge about Past Simple and Past Continuous.
- Development: to train memory, develop thinking, attention, communication skills, ability to work under pressure, enhance reading, listening, writing and translation skills;
- Education: to cultivate culture of communication and develop an interest to learning a foreign language using interactive learning tools.
Lesson type: mixed
Methods of organizing the lesson: group and pair work, conversation, illustration method, information method.
Teaching aids: technology tools, Student`s book and Workbook.
- Rod Fricker. Wider World 2 Students’ Book / Pearson Longman, 2017. – С. 144
- Rod Fricker. Wider World 2 Workbook / Pearson Longman, 2017. – С. 129
- Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydpyk63kR7Q&ab_channel=Ingla-Terra
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