Конспект уроку з англійської мови по темі “Одяг і погода”

Автор: учитель англійської мови Добряк Ірина Вікторівна

учитель англійської мови Добряк Ірина ВікторівнаДана розробка дає можливість цікаво повторити з учнями лексику до теми “Одяг і погода”, активізувати творчу діяльність учнів та інтерес до вивчення лексичних одиниць.



Theme: Clothes & Weather

Objectives: to review lexical units on the topic “Clothes”, “Weather”, “Fruits & vegetables”, to teach children to speak about different clothes and different kinds of the weather, to teach to work in a team, to sum up the materials on the topic; to train speaking, reading, writing and listening-comprehension skills; to educate desire to study English and to work in a team.

Visual Aids: the picture of giraffe, the map of the journey, word search cards, Peppy coloring pages, “Crazy Old Ladies” +cards (clothes), pictures of different weather, cards with recipes (+ingredients), numbers circles, tickets to London, bookmarks (“Hello Giraffe”), giraffes +1 (additional points to the marks), names of the months, names of the teams, “I spy with my little eye” cards.

Lesson Type: an interactive journey.


I. Preliminaries

  1. Greetings
  2. Aim

II. Warming Up

  1. Work with maps (Every team gets a map to know the route of the journey. The map will also be the paper for point of the team)
  2. “Magic Flower” (Name all the colors of the magic flower – 7 points)

III. The Maim Part

  1. Busy Bees Word Search (Each team gets a card to find the words. Topic “Clothes” – 5 points)
  2. “Peppy & her secret” (Children get Peppy coloring page. They listen to the teacher and color Peppy’s clothes with necessary colors – 6 points)

“Peppy is a lovely girl. She likes bright colors. Today she has a green hat and brown boots. Peppy’s coat is yellow. The weather is rainy today, so she has a red umbrella. Her monkey has a pink hat and blue trousers”.

  1. “The Old Wise Oak” (“I spy with my little eye” cards. The teacher names different kinds of clothes & children circle them. Dress, boots, sweater, shoes, T-shirt, scarf, hat – 7 points)
  2. “Mr. Macaroni” (Get the recipe and “make” the salad using pictures of food – 9 points)
  3. “Crazy Old Ladies” (Listen to the text and put the necessary pictures into the ladies’ mouth – 5 points)

Crazy Old Ladies

“There are three crazy old ladies, who live in the magic country. They are crazy because they like to eat everything they see.

The old lady Emma ate a dress yesterday, because it was red. The old lady Daisy ate a green T-shirt with a red dress and Alison ate boots with yellow scarf. Two days ago Emma has eaten a sweater and gloves. Daisy and Emma have eaten orange and yellow scarf. The old lady Alison ate a hat. Three old ladies ate sandals this morning. So what have they eaten?”

Alison Red dress, boots, hat, sandals, yellow scarf
Emma Sweater, gloves, orange & yellow scarfs, sandals
Daisy green T-shirt, orange & yellow scarfs, red dress, sandals
  1. “The Fisherman” (The captain takes the card and tells the number of one kind of clothes on the card. Then passes the card to the next member of the team. – 7 points)
  2. “Grumpy Gnome” (The gnome has mixed up the manes of the months. The task of the team is to place the names of the months in the right order – 12 points)
  3. “Lovely Plane” (Each team gets the picture. The task is to describe the weather and say if the pilot can take the plane up – 5 points)
  4. “Mysterious Well” (Children work all together. The task is to help the gnome to get out from the well. Students should tell the words on the topic “Clothes/Weather” one by one making the long rope. There is no winner in this contest. The idea is to make children to understand that they can reach the aim only together)
  1. The Final Part
  2. Summaries (The competition is over and the giraffe gives kids tickets to London – the entrance to the next interactive journey)
  3. Marks (We count the points and the members of the team winner get giraffe +1)
  4. Home task (To learn the words to the topic “Great Britain”)

The pictures and the word search used during the lesson are taken from the Internet

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4 коментарі

  1. Вправи мають комунікативну спрямованість. Форми роботи нестандартні. Підхід до розробки по-справжньому творчий. Обовязково скористаюся у своїй роботі. Єдиний мінус: я б доповнила використанням відео до теми з віршиком або піснею.

  2. Чудово, Просто супер цікаві, різноманітні вправи. Дуже цікавий урок. “Crazy Old Ladies” – так мені сподобалась ця вправа, обов’язково спробую їз своїми учнями. Тут зразу видно – Ви творчий вчитель.