Питання для контролю навичок говоріння в 5 класі
(До підручника Несвіт А.М Англійська мова 5 клас)
Автор: учитель англійської мови Скочко Ольга Леонідівна
Оволодіти мовою – означає, у першу чергу, оволодіти навичками говоріння. Під навичками говоріння маються на увазі навички озвучування висловлювань, навички оперування лексичними одиницями та навички граматичного оформлення речень.
У своїй роботі я намагаюсь застосувати такі прийоми навчання, які сприяють підтриманню інтересу учнів до вивчення іноземної мови, допомагають залучити всіх учнів до мовленнєвої діяльності та підвищують ефективність уроку.
Великі можливості для підвищення ефективності уроку має його початок. Саме на початку уроку вчителю необхідно зосередити увагу учнів на темі розмови, дати їм можливість повторити активний лексичний запас з теми.
Запропоновані мною питання можна використовувати на початку уроку для введення в атмосферу іншомовного спілкування. Також їх можна застосовувати наприкінці теми для контролю навичок усного мовлення або письма.
Unit 1. Family
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- When and where were you born?
- Do you have a family?
- Is your family big or small?
- How many members are there in your family?
- What is your mother’s name?
- How old is your mother?
- What does your mother do?
- What is your father’s name?
- How old is your father?
- What does your father do?
- Have you got any sisters or brothers?
- What is your sister’s\brother’s name?
- How old is your sister\brother?
- Where do you live?
- Do you live in a house or a flat?
- Where do your grandparents live?
- How often do you visit your grandparents?
- Do you have any uncles or aunts?
- Where does your aunt\uncle live?
- Do you live in a city or in a village?
- Who is the eldest person in your family?
- Who is the youngest person in your family?
- How often does your family spend time together?
- Do you have any cousins?
- What do you look like?
- What does your mother look like?
- What does your father look like?
- Do you like your family?
Unit 2. Clothes
- What are you wearing now?
- What do you wear when you go to school?
- What do you wear when you go to a party?
- What do you wear when you work in the garden?
- What do you wear when you go to the gym?
- What do you wear when you are at home?
- What do people wear when the weather is cold?
- What do people wear when the weather is hot?
- What do you wear in spring?
- What do you wear in summer?
- What do you wear in autumn?
- What do you wear in winter?
- Do you have to wear a school uniform?
- Do you like to wear jeans?
- What is in fashion this season?
- What is out of fashion this season?
- What is your favourite thing to wear?
- What colour of clothes do you like to wear?
- What do you wear on your feet?
- What do you wear on your head?
- What do you wear on your body?
- What do you wear on your legs?
- What do you wear on your hands?
- What do you wear on your neck?
- Who is the most stylish person in your class?
- What colours of clothes look best on you?
- What is trendy for clothing these days?
- What are your favourite clothes?
- Do you usually wear tight or baggy clothes?
- Do you think you are fashionable?
Unit 3. Food
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- What do you usually have for lunch?
- What do you usually have for dinner?
- How many meals a day do you have a day?
- What is the most important meal of the day for you?
- What time do you usually have breakfast?
- What time do you usually have lunch?
- What time do you usually have dinner?
- Which kinds of sandwiches do you like?
- What is your favourite dish?
- Do you like cooking?
- What food do you like for a picnic?
- What is your favourite kind of food?
- What is your least favourite kind of food?
- What is your favourite meal of the day?
- Do you ever skip meals?
- Do you eat in between meals?
- What is your favourite drink?
- Do you eat breakfast every day?
- What food is healthy?
- Do you eat snack food?
- How much water do you drink every day?
- What food can you buy at the baker’s?
- What food can you buy at the greengrocer’s?
- What food can you buy at the butcher’s?
- What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
- Do you like foreign food?
- Food of what country do you like most?
- What traditional British food can you name?
- What traditional Ukrainian food do you know?
Unit 4. Having a rest
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Do you often watch TV?
- Do you like to watch films or cartoons?
- Do you go in for sport?
- How often do you train?
- What clubs do you visit?
- What musical instruments do you play?
- What do you do at the cinema?
- What do you do at the theater?
- What do you do at the museum?
- What do you do at the zoo?
- What do you do at the circus?
- What kind of TV programmes do you like?
- What are your favourite TV shows?
- What is your favourite film?
- What is your favourite game show?
- Can you imagine your life without TV?
- What is your favourite TV channel?
- Do you often watch TV instead of playing games?
- Have you got a hobby?
- What is your hobby?
- Do you go in for sport?
- Have you got any collections?
- How often do you train?
- What sport do you go in for?
- What do you usually do when you have school holidays?
- Do you like travelling?
- Do you prefer TV programmes or movies?
- Do you like to watch educational programmes?
Unit 6. Nature and Weather
- What is the weather like today?
- What was the weather like yesterday?
- Do you like when it snows?
- What kind of weather do you like?
- How many seasons are there in a year?
- What is your favourite season of the year?
- What kind of weather don’t you like?
- What do you usually do when the weather is rainy?
- What do you usually do when the weather is snowy?
- What do you usually do when the weather is hot?
- What season is it now?
- What are winter months?
- What are spring months?
- What are summer months?
- What are autumn months?
- What is the weather like in spring in Ukraine?
- What is the weather like in autumn in Ukraine?
- What is the weather like in winter in Ukraine?
- What is the weather like in summer in Ukraine?
- What is the temperature today?
- When is it warmer: in summer or in winter?
- When is it colder: in summer or in spring?
- What is the warmest season of the year?
- What is the coldest season of the year?
- How many months are there in a year?
- What is the weather like in Britain?
- What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?
- Have you ever seen a rainbow?
- Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?
- What weather phenomena do you know?
На перший погляд, прості запитання, але вони поставлені так, що учні будуть змушені відповісти на них, оскільки близько 70% відповіді у них вже є, потрібно лише перефразувати їх і додати ту інформацію, про яку запитують. Це варто пояснити дітям, щоб у них не виникало побоювань перед усними висловлюваннями.
На такі запитання учні із задоволеням відповідатимуть.