Конспект уроку англійської мови в 9-му класі
Охорона навколишнього середовища
Автор: учитель англійської мови Шевчук Катерина Олександрівна
Тема уроку: Охорона довкілля. Тварини в небезпеці.
- активізувати лексичні одиниці теми;
- продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання;
- удосконалювати техніку читання;
- навчати спілкування за темою.
розвивати навички монологічного мовлення, ерудицію учнів, фонематичний слух, мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до природи та усвідомлення важливості охорони навколишнього середовища.
Обладнання уроку: Підручник (О.Д.Карп’юк 9 кл.), питання для комунікативної гри( HO1), картки для самостійної роботи (НО 2), картки для роботи в парах (НО 3), плакати зі словами «YES» та «NO», три чистих аркуша (А4), відеоматеріал ( відео кліп на пісню М.Джексона “The Earth), звукозапис «Звуки природи» для релаксації.
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
- Привітання.
T: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?
Ps: Good morning! We are glad to see you too. We are fine, thank you.
- Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Let’s try to guess what will be the topic of our lesson today? Answer my questions and write the answers in the column with the capital letter on the blackboard.
1) What is the name of our planet? Earth
2) What is the coldest part of the world? North
3) What planet is the second from the sun? Venus
4) What is a part of land surrounded by water? Island
5) What is the symbol of England? Rose
6) What is the biggest bird? Ostrich
7) What is a bird’s house? Nest
8) What is the Earth’s satellite? Moon
9) What is the largest animal on the land? Elephant
10) What is the last planet from the sun? Neptune
11) What animal has black and red stripes? Tiger
T: Today we’ll speak about environment, ecological problems and ways to protect the environment.
- Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. (Warming–up).
Комунікативна гра.(Учні обирають речення на картках та закінчують їх)
T: Finish the sentences:
If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would…
If I were the Minister of the Environment, I would…
If I had to do without perfume, I would…
If I were a fish, I would…
If I were a fisherman , I would…
If I were an endangered species, I would…
If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would…
If I lived in the jungle, I would…
If I to make my fire with either coal or wood, I would…
If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would…
If I wanted to dump a box of rubbish, but I couldn’t find a bin, I would…
- Перевірка домашнього завдання. (Ex.6,p.119)
Робота в парах.
P1: What is the word that means “rubbish, waste or other thing that we throw away”?
P2: Garbage. What is the word that means “our planet”?
P1: The Earth. …
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Аудіювання. (Listening).
1) Pre-listening activity.
T: Now you’ll listen to the text which is called “Where have all the eagles gone”.
How do you think what is this text about? What does the word ”endangered” mean? What endangered species can you name?
2) Listening.
The bald eagle is a big, beautiful bird. It has a snow-white head. The eagle’s wingspread is more than 2 meters.
The bald eagle once lived near lakes and rivers in many parts of North America. But one year, bird watchers found that fewer and fewer eagle eggs were hatching. The bald eagle had become an endangered animal. It was in danger of disappearing.
Why were these birds endangered? One reason is that people were cutting down many trees where eagles nested, or lived. Also, people were using the chemical DDT to kill insects. The DDT was carried by the wind to lakes and rivers. When the mother eagle ate the fish from these waters, she also ate DDT. This made the shells of her eggs so thin that they broke under her in the nest. Весause of this, the eggs did not hatch.
Today, there is a law against using DDT. There are also laws that set aside places where animals can safely build their homes.
3) Post-listening activity. (Самостійна робота з картками).
НО 2:
I. Comprehensive task.False or true?
II. Creative task. Writing an interview. Work out 5 questions for an interview with a committee dealing with saving the bald eagle. |
2. Розвиток умінь мовлення. (Ex.4, p.121).
T: Now you’ll read the information and agree or disagree with the statements below. You should come to the blackboard and choose the poster “YES” or “NO” and explain your choice.
3. Relaxing.
1) Прослуховування пісні.
T: Now you’ll watch the video of the song “The Earth” by M. Jackson and if you know the words you may sing it.
2) Прослуховування звуків природи.
T: Listen to the sounds of nature close your eyes and imagine that you are on the beach of the ocean.
4. Читання. (Reading).
1) Pre-reading activity. (Using K-W-L (What I Know) model.
T: You’ll read the text about the rhinos. What do you already know about rhinoceros? What would you like to learn?
2) While-reading activity.
THE FATE OF THE RHINOS The rhinoceros looks as if it belongs with the dinosaurs. Like the dinosaurs did in an earlier time, rhinos are vanishing from the earth. Once these huge beasts with horns growing from their noses lived on almost every continent. Now they live only in parts of Asia and Africa. Even on those continents, rhinos can be found only in zoos and in places where they are protected by law. The law doesn’t always protect them completely. Some people break the law and continue to hunt these disappearing animals. The South Pacific island of Java used to have many rhinos. Now there are no more than forty of these animals still alive there. There are not many rhinos left in Africa, either. Of the two kinds of rhinos in Africa, there are more black rhinos than white rhinos. There are few thousand black rhinos and very few white rhinos. These few are still alive only because they live in protected areas. African rhinos have two horns, one behind other. The front horn grows to more than four feet (1,2 metres) in length. The rhino uses the horn inj fighting. Rhinos do not see very well. Thus, when they hear noises around them, they often charge. To a rhino, it is a matter of charging first and finding out what is charged later. It is the rhino’s horn that attracts the hunters. Years ago, many people believed that if they drank from a rhino’s horn, they would be protected from death by poisoning. That idea encouraged people to hunt rhinos for their horns. Later, other people used the ground-up horn as medicine. They believed that it would give them strength or cure certain sicknesses. So still more rhinos were killed for their horns. Although there is no scientific basis to these ideas, some people still believe them. Today rhinos are still being hunted for their horns. If people left rhinos alone, the animals would live to about the age of forty. If, however, the rhino continues to be hunted, there may not be any rhinos left by the time you reach that age. |
3) Post-reading activity.
Робота в парах.
HO 3:
1. Choose the phrases that correctly completes each statement.1) Rhinos are now ina) almost every continent b) Java only c) Asia and Africa2) Rhinos are alive today because theya) charge so quickly b) are protected by law c) look like dinosaurs 3) People hunted rhinos because the animals a) did not see well b) had valuable horns c) were good to eat 4) According to the article, rhinos a) will definitely die out soon b) must be saved from hunters c) will soon be found on every continent. 2. Write a summary by filling in the blanks. Rhinos are found in _____________. Rhinos are alive today only because they __________. People hunted rhinos because of the animals’ _________. According to the article, rhinos will live only if __________. 3. What new information about rhinoceros have you learned? Are all your questions answered? |
III. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Підведення підсумків уроку. ( Summary)
1)Робота в групах. («Дерево рішень»)
T: Write please on a sheet of paper your suggestions how to protect our environment. Then you should exchange your sheets and complete them. The leader of your group should sum up your suggestions.
2) Виставлення оцінок.
2. Домашнє завдання.
T: Write an essay about some animal or plant that is considered to be endangered in your area. Give the animal’s/plant’s description, conditions of living. Find out the reasons it’s in danger of disappearing now. What ways do you suggest to save it.
Вчитель творчо підійшла до повідомлення теми уроку це дозволило учням повністю переключитись на іншомовне мовлення.Сподобалось використання фізкультхвилинки слухання звуків природи.
З Вашого уроку багато чого почерпнула і для себе. Особливо мені запам’яталося повідомлення теми уроку, чудово!!! А комунікативна гра – прекрасна, сама знаю, як така вправа подобається учням, можна ой як пофантазувати!!!