Конспект підсумкового уроку з англійської мови для 2-го класу на тему: “Мій будинок. Кімнати в моєму будинку”.

Автор: заступник директора з виховної роботи, вчитель англійської мови Атрасевич Тетяна Сергіївна

Screenshot_25Конспект підсумкового уроку з англійської мови для 2-го класу на тему “Мій будинок. Кімнати в моєму будинку”. Презентація та додаткові матеріали допоможуть зробити урок ефективним, яскравим, насиченим та різноманітним.


Theme: My house. The rooms of my house.


      Practical: – to revise and practice lexical units by students on the theme “A doll’s house!”;

  • to develop speaking, listening, writing, reading skills;
  • to introduce and identify parts of house/furniture, colours;
  • to identify position of objects;
  • to practice structure “There is/are”;
  • to revise grammar (articles a/an, the verb to be, prepositions of place in, on, under).

    Educational: – to get students involved in conversation about parts of house/furniture;

  • to increase students’ knowledge about parts of house/furniture.

     Developing: – to develop students’ outlook about parts of house/furniture;

  • to develop theatrical pedagogy. .

Necessary equipment:   word (flashcards)




Multimedia board


Type of lesson: combined lesson.


Organizing a lesson. Greetings.

(The teacher greets the students and organizes the class for the work. She announces the topic of the lesson.)

Teacher: Good morning, pupils!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

Teacher: Sit down, please. How is your mother?

Pupils: She is fine, thanks.

Teacher: How is your father?

Pupils: He is fine, thanks.

Teacher: How is your sister?

Pupils: She is fine, thanks.

Teacher: How is your brother?

Pupils: He is fine, thanks.

Teacher: And how are you?

Pupils: I am fine, thank you.

Teacher: What a lovely day today! The theme of our lesson is “My house. The rooms of my house”. Today we are going to revise and practice lexical units on the theme “A doll’s house!”; to develop  speaking, listening, writing, reading skills; to introduce and identify parts of house/furniture, colours;

to identify position of objects; to practice structure “There is/are”; to revise grammar (articles a/an, the verb to be, prepositions of place in, on, under).

Phonetic warm- up.

For the phonetic warm-up the teacher presents sound [ i: ].The teacher shows the pictures   with that sound. The students listen to it and try to repeat the words paying attention to the pronunciation. Write the following list of words on the board.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. There are two cards on it. Today we’ll learn the sound [ i: ]. Look and repeat.

 ee are pronounced [ i: ]  beetle, bee, beet, street, seed, reed

ea are pronounced [ i: ] seal, tea, beach, peach, cream, stream.

Students repeat, chorally and individually. Individual pupils say the words.

Teacher: Clap your hands on the sound [ i: ]. Sheep, rabbit, teacher, pupil, mouse, cheese, kite, ball, balloon, queen. Great!

  • Warming up

Teacher: Sing the song “Where’s Alvin?” (Addition 1)

Activating vocabulary.

(Students revise the material from the previous lesson.)

Teacher: Look at the cards. What’s this?

Pupils: A chair.

(sofa, armchair, bed, bath, table)

Teacher: Let’s play a game “What’s missing?”. Close your eyes. Now open your eyes. What’s missing?

Pupils: A bath.

(Students play a game.)

  1. The main part.

Speaking & Writing

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. There is a big house on it. How many rooms are there?

Pupils: There are four rooms in the house.

Teacher: What can you see on these pictures? Your task is to describe the room. Use the structure “There is/are”. For example, there is a yellow table and a yellow chair in the kitchen. There are two flowers on the table.

    (Students describe rooms.)

Teacher: You are divided into four groups. Each group has a picture of the room and instructions to it. Your task is to colour the parts of the furniture. Let’s start.

    (Additions 2, 3.  Students work in pairs.)

Teacher: Come to the board and show your rooms. Describe it.

Pupils: There is a green bed in the bedroom.

    (Students work in pairs).

            Listening comprehension

-pre –listening

  (Addition 4)

Teacher: Look at your cards. There are three dialogues for you to listen. What things do you see?

Pupils: A pencil, a music book, a cap, a teddy-bear, a robot, a toy car.

(Students describe the picture)


 (Addition 5)

Teacher: Listen and draw a line from the picture to the place.

(Students listen and draw lines)


(Addition 6)

Teacher: Answer the questions.

(Students answer the questions)

Physical warm up

Teacher: We’ve worked very hard. Now we’ll do some physical exercises.

“If you’re happy and you know it”. (Addition 7)

Reading & Writing

Teacher: Let’s revise your grammar. What forms of the verb ‘to be” do you know? When do we use articles a/an? When do we use the structure “There is/are”?

(Students answer the questions)

Teacher: There are three exercises on your cards. Write and read your answers.

(Addition 8. Students write and read)

Speaking. Role play.

Teacher: Imagine, we are in the forest and we are animals. Let’s play a story about animals.

(Addition 9. Students play.)

VIII. Summing up.

Teacher: Pupils, what did we do on the lesson? I think that we have achieved our aim. We have already learnt how to describe the rooms of the house. We have increased our knowledge about the parts of the furniture and developed our outlook about parts of house. We have revised grammar.

IX. Evaluation

Teacher: You worked very hard. Now you’ll get some presents.

X. Homework.

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. See you later. Have a nice day.

Good bye!

Addition 1

Song “Where’s Alvin?”

Where’s Alvin? Where’s Alvin?

Where? Where? Where?

He’s in the kitchen.

He’s in the kitchen, over there.

Where’s Erlina? Where’s Erlina?

Where? Where? Where?

She’s in the bedroom.

She’s in the bedroom, over there.

Where’s Woody? Where’s Woody?

Where? Where? Where?

He’s in the bathroom.

He’s in the bathroom, over there.

Where’s Frosty? Where’s Frosty?

Where? Where? Where?

He’s in the living room.

He’s in the living room, over there.

Addition 2





Addition 3


Colour the bed green.

Colour the lamp yellow.

Colour the picture purple.



Colour the sofa orange.

Colour the table brown.

Colour the TV black.



Colour the bath blue.

Colour the flower green.

Colour the star pink.


Colour the cupboard yellow.

Colour the table orange.

Colour the chair red.

Addition 4



Addition 5

        Dialogue 1.

Girl: Three o’clock. Now, let’s play outside.

Boy: OK.

Girl: Where is my music book?

Boy: It’s on the chair.

Girl: Where is my pencil?

Boy: Oh, he’s under the table. 

       Dialogue 2.

Boy: Mum, where is my cap?

Mother: It’s in your bag.

Boy: I don’t see it. Where is it?

Mother: Well… on the desk?

Boy: Here. It’s under the desk.

Mother: Uh huh.

Boy: Mum, see you.

Mother: OK. Have fun.

      Dialogue 3.

Girl: Where is my teddy bear?

Boy: It’s on the bed.

Girl: Where is my robot?

Boy: It’s in the box.

Girl: Where is my toy car?

Boy: It’s under the chair.

Addition 6

Answer the questions

  1. Where is the music box?
  2. Where is the pencil?
  3. Where is the cap?
  4. Where is the teddy bear?
  5. Where is the robot?
  6. Where is the toy car?

Addition 7


“If you’re happy and you know it”.

If  you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap your hands) (2)

If  you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap your hands)

If  you’re happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp your feet) (2)

If  you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If  you’re happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp your feet)

If  you’re happy and you know it, nod your head! (nod your head) (2)

If  you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If  you’re happy and you know it, nod your head! (nod your head)

If  you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!” (shout “Hooray!”) (2)

If  you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If  you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!” (shout “Hooray!”)

If  you’re happy and you know it, do all four:

clap your hands! (clap your hands),  stamp your feet! (stamp your feet), nod your head! (nod your head), shout “Hooray!” (shout “Hooray!”) (2)

If  you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap your hands) (2)

Addition 8


1.  Write am, is  or are.

1) Ben __is__ a pupil.

2) We ____ friends.

3) His mother and father ____ in the park.

4) His train _____ under the table.

5) I _____at school.

6) My sister Lin _____ on the swing.

2.  Write a or an.

_a _ book           ____ rabbit           ____ animal

____ fish             ____ apple            ____ hat                                 ____ kite             ____ orange

3.  Write There is or There are

1)  __There is________ a lamp on the table

2)  ________________ two bedrooms in my house.

3)  ________________ a big kitchen in the house.

4)  ________________ an umbrella under the table.

5)  ________________ five dogs on the sofa.

Addition 9

Frog: Mum, I can’t find my ball. Where is it?

Mummy: I don’t know. Look, under your rock.

Frog: I don’t see it.

Mummy: Go and find it.

Frog: Look, my ball is big and yellow. Where is it?

Rabbit: Oh… It’s under the tree.

Frog: No. that’s not my ball.

Frog: Look at this ball. Where is it?

Bird: Let’s see. Oh, it’s in the zoo.

Frog: It’s white. That’s not my ball.

Wolf: Good evening, my friend.

Frog: Good evening.

Wolf: Are you OK?

Frog: Oh, no. I can’t find my ball. This is my ball.

Wolf:  Look! It’s on the tree!

Frog: That’s my ball. Thank you.

Wolf:  You’re welcome.

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2 коментарі

  1. На жаль не можу написати коментар до уроку, бо не володію англійською. Але бачу багатий наочний матеріал та змістовну презентацію, яка розвиває пізнавальну діяльність учнів, викликає цікавість до вивчення іноземної мови.

  2. На мій погляд, хороший робочий урок: є і мотиваційний момент, і елементи ігрових технологій, і елементи здоров’язберігаючих технологій, і співпраця. Всі завдання виконані в повному обсязі і мета досягнута.