Конспект уроку з англійської мови, 6 клас.

“Вживання модального дієслова must”

Автор: вчитель англійської мови Шатрова Світлана Василівна

вчитель англійської мови Шатрова Світлана ВасилівнаModal Verb MUST


  1. to give pupils practice in listening and reading comprehension;
  2. to improve the vocabulary on the topic;
  3. to practise modal verb must (mustn’t);
  4. to engage children in meaningful interaction;
  5. to develop the pupils’ group communicative skills;
  6. to develop the creative way of thinking;
  7. to provide feedback which will improve future performances in similar situations;
  8. to teach pupils to be tolerant to other people’s opinions.

Equipment: a tape – recorder, tables, special cards.


І. Warming – up.

T.: It seems to me that all pupils are present today. Am I right? Is anybody absent? ( Nobody. I am glad to see you. I am fine. And you? Are you ready to begin our lesson? Well.)

Look at the blackboard. You see a quotation:

‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.’

Theodore Roosevelt

We’ll try to do what we can, with what we have, where we are

ІІ. Main part.

1. Listening Comprehension.

T.: Listen to the text ‘Blackdown Wood’ and check yourselves by doing ex. 3 on p. 68. Circle the correct words.

2. Reading Comprehension.

T.: Read the same text and answer the questions. Analyse the rules and change them using the Imperatives.

Possible answers:

  • Servants must work seven days a week. – Work seven days a week!
  • Servants mustn’t eat owner’s food. – Don’t eat owner’s food!

3. Vocabulary practice.

T.: Well, we have Lady Blackdown’s House Rules in our books. And what about rules in our life?

Must we follow any rules? Where? Look at the blackboard. What are these expressions connected with? Do you know all the expressions? Read them, please:

use mobile phones

keep to the point

be quiet

bring radios and recorders

miss lessons

chew a chewing gum

eat at the lessons

answer the questions

drop litter

wear a uniform

4. Language Box (must, mustn’t).

T.: Make the expressions and say what we must do at school and what we mustn’t.

Possible answers:

  • we must be quiet at the lessons
  • we must keep to the point
  • we must wear the uniform
  • we must answer the questions
  • we mustn’t use mobile phones at the lessons
  • we mustn’t eat at the lessons
  • we mustn’t miss lessons
  • we mustn’t bring radios and recorders
  • we mustn’t chew a chewing gum
  • we mustn’t drop litter

5. Discussion in groups.

T.: You are in groups according to your wishes. I have three cards, the captain of each group takes one and reads who you are. The 1st group will be ‘Parents’, the 2nd group – ‘Teachers’, the 3rd one will be ‘Pupils’. Your task is to prepare rules you want to have at school from the parents’, teachers’ and pupils’ points of view. You have 5 minutes. Please, take colourful sticking notes and start.

Teacher’s consultation

6. Doing a project.

T.: How many rules have you got? ‘Parents’, read your rules one by one, then go to the blackboard and stick them on the poster, please.

Possible answers:

  • pupils must come to school in time
  • pupils must be attentive at the lessons
  • pupils must follow the teacher’s instructions

T.: ‘Teachers’ Please, your rules.

Possible answers:

  • pupils must leave the classrooms during the breaks
  • pupils mustn’t be late
  • pupils must always be ready for their lessons

T.: ‘Pupils’, it’s your turn.

Possible answers:

  • pupils must go home as soon as possible
  • pupils must wear anything they want
  • pupils mustn’t clean the school plot

T.: Have we got these rules in our school? Do you follow them? O. K. By the way, you not only proposed your ideas but you created a group project some minutes ago. Now I am taking this poster and you can see that it is a project. Read the title:

School 9

Our Project

‘School Rules’

Pupils of the 8th Form

III. Home Assignment

T.: I think all of you are brilliant. Thus, your marks are excellent.

Your home task is to create a poster with 10 rules you follow at home.

IV. Summing – Up

T.: Dear pupils, express your ideas about the lesson.

  1. What activity have we done today?
  2. What was the most interesting (boring) activity during the lesson?

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4 коментарі

  1. Дуже цікавий та творчий урок ,з елементами проектної технології.Багато нестандартного Ви використали . Ви-молодець. Дякую.

  2. Професійно складений урок. Я дуже полюбляю проектну роботу на уроці, і тут дуже гарно поставлене завдання для проекту. Також цікаве і домашнє завдання, думаю учням буде цікаво його виконувати!

  3. Шановна Світлана Василівна я є прихильниця ваших розробок. Розвиваєте граматичні вміння та збагачуєте словниковий запас по даній темі, спонукаєте до розширення своїх знань.Дякую!