Конспект уроку з ділової англійської мови для учнів 10 класу на тему “Congratulations and Wishes”

Автор: вчитель англійської мови Коляда Тетяна Василівна

Screenshot_4Мета уроку- навчити учнів 10-х класів писати привітальні листівки та вітати своїх однокласників та друзів з святами та приємними подіями у житті.


Theme:  “Congratulations and Wishes”.


-to develop students’ speaking and listening skills;

-to practice English conversational formulas in everyday situations;

-to teach students to write greeting postcards.

Equipment: slides or pictures about celebrations, hand-outs with English conversational formulas, postcards.


  1. Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to our lesson. Today we’ll learn how to use conversational formulas of congratulations and wishes in our everyday life.
  2. Warming Up.

Scan the phrases on the blackboard and try to imagine the situations when people can use them.

Merry Christmas!  (Before Christmas ).

-Many happy returns of the day! (On somebody’s birthday).

-I wish you every happiness! (When  somebody has  got married).

-I hope you’ll soon be better! (When  somebody has fallen ill).

-Well done! Good for you! (When somebody has made a progress).

  1. Listening comprehension.

People often use conversational formulas of congratulations, wishes  or words of approval when somebody has achieved  something:

Congratulations! Congratulations on your promotion (on your passing exam)!

Well done! Good for you! How clever you are! You are so bright!

There are seasonal greetings:  Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy Easter!

The reply may be either repeat of the greeting or the phrase: Thank you, the same to you.

Best wishes for Women’s Day (Victory Day)!  The preposition ON can be used instead of FOR particularly on the day but not in advance.

The usual birthday greetings are: Happy Birthday! Many happy returns of the day!

For engagement and weddings the following form are used:  I wish you every  happiness. I hope you will be very happy. Congratulations on your marriage.

When someone is about to travel or is going on holiday, some other forms of wishes are used: Have a nice weekend. Have a good time. Have a good journey. Enjoy yourself. Good luck! All the best!

If you visit a sick relative it would be in place to use such phrases as: Recover soon. Get well as soon as possible. I hope you’ll soon be better. I wish you feel better.

  1. Speaking Practice.
  2. Read the dialogues and try to guess about the situations they are used.
  3. A) -Have you passed your exam?

-Yes, sure. I’ve got an excellent mark.

-Congratulations! Well done. Now you can relax and enjoy yourself.

B ) -You look so happy today.

-Well, I have just passed my driving test.

-Congratulations! I suppose you’ll soon buy a new car.

-Thank you. I hope my father will let me use his one.

  1. C) -Have a nice weekend.

Thanks. I ‘m going to stay in the country. It’s a pity you  can’t  join me there.

-I’m sorry, I’m not feeling  well now.

– I hope you’ll soon be better.

  1. What would you say in the situations ( 2-3 phrases):
  2. It’s your friend’s birthday. 7. You visit a sick relative.
  3. Your brother has passed exams. 8. Your friend is going for an interview.
  4. A colleague’s book is published. 9. Your fellow has won a painting competition.
  5. It’s a New Year’s Day. 10. Your acquaintance has just got married.
  6. It’s a Women’s Day. 11. Your classmate is going away on holiday.
  7. Your boss is holding his jubilee. 12. Your friend has got his promotion.

III. Read the Congratulation Letters and express your  ideas about the people to whom they are written.

Letter#1.     Dear Mr.Brown,

                   Please accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of  Your promotion.

                   We have always appreciated  You  for Your energy, optimism and wisdom.

                    May success and creativity follow you in Your new position.


                                     Your colleagues.

Letter#2.         Dear John,

                     Happy Birthday. Many happy returns of  the day.

                   I appreciate you for your intelligence, sense of humour and reliability.

                   I wish you health, happiness and success in your private life and business.

                 Let all your plans and dreams come true.

                 Sincerely yours,


  1. Conclusion and home assignment:

We have learnt how to use conversational formulas of congratulation and wishes in everyday situations. You home  assignment is to write a greeting postcard  on one of the situations.

*Your friend has just finished his education at school and got his General Educational Certificate.

*Your friend has passed his entrance exams and became a student of the university.

*Your friend took the First Prize in the sport competition.

*Your friend has participated in FLEX competition and is selected as an exchange student in a US school.

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  1. Дуже корисний напрамок роботи для розвитку вільного непідготовленого говоріння. Завдання ‘What would you say in the situation?’ можна використовівати як Warming-up у подальших уроках. Єдине: даний урок навряд чи відповідає рівню ‘Intermediate’. Але, звичайно, складність уроку залежить і від рівн підготовки учнів. Подальших вам успіхів у роботі!