Online Education

Автор: вчитель англійської мови Огаркова Вікторія Ігорівна

вчитель англійської мови Огаркова Вікторія ІгорівнаСтаття для випускників загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, студентів ВНЗ та вчителів іноземних мов.

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

George Washington Carver

Online Education

Being an educated person does not mean to graduate from the University, but it is much more prestigious and helps to get a well-paid job. People do not have enough time for studying or they want to take courses for their professional development in different countries at the same time; there is a number of disabled people, but they still want to study. These facts make online education more and more popular all over the world.

But the question is “Is an online education just as legitimate as a traditional education?”

The process of applying and being admitted to the higher educational institution varies somewhat depending on whether you are a freshman, a transfer student or an international student. You may find out about the admission details using a University web site, filling in an application form or contact an Admission Department. Also you need to study the information about admission requirements, instructions for applying admissions and scholarships or grants, price and accommodations. What is very important about traditional education is visiting campus. It is the best way to satisfy your curiosity about studying at University from the first-hand.

Talking about an online education there are some tricky things that you need to be aware of.

Reputation and Standards

When you are choosing a University or any other educational institution, make sure it is a reputable one with standards set by the government and educational sector. For this purpose you may use CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation). It is an association of 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities and it recognizes 60 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations all over the world. Also you may find a list of recognized accrediting organizations.

Online Courses

For the professional development adults and youth can take certified online courses. Being a teacher of English language I was interested in teacher training courses. I have succeeded in finding a wide range of online training courses for teachers at all stages in their career. You may choose a self-study, moderated or blended courses with flexible study schedules.

British Council

It offers online teacher training courses for primary and secondary school teachers. They include both practical assignments and online exercises and cover a range of issues such as teaching with limited resources and technology. I have chosen “Steps to Success”. Its duration is 35 hours plus 15 hours for portfolio assessment. This course is for those who are on their last year of education or first year full-time teachers. I have teaching experience more than seven years, but everything in this course was new. This is a self-study online course suitable teachers working in the primary, secondary, tertiary schools. You can choose to take any module you like at any time and in any order, so that you can get ideas and training about the particular area of need in your teaching. You can download a certificate of completion after each module. Also, you need to upload your portfolio for assessing. Your moderator will give you a feedback and at the end of the course you will get a certificate of completion. The course consists of 10 Modules with Reflections for the portfolio in each of them. I really recommend you to take this course it worth the time you will spend on it.

International House World Organization

This organization provides you with an innovative learning platform with online courses for teachers. You can get an IH certificate in teaching young learners, advanced methodology in teaching modern languages, online tutoring, Business English, advanced methodology etc.

Future Learn

It is an internet resource where you can find different free online courses from top universities all over the world.  You may find your interests by browsing free online course categories: Business and Management; Creative Arts and Media; Health and Psychology; History; Language and Culture; Law; Literature; Nature and Environment; Online and Digital; Politics and the Modern World; Science, Math and Technology; Sports and Leisure; Teaching and Studying.

To sum up, I want to add that online education is a good option to learn something new, to practice your language and enlarge your vocabulary and to use experience of other countries for your professional development without going abroad.

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  1. Дуже цікаво прочитати у Вашій статті про курси від British Council. Мене дуже зацікавив цей сайт. Обов’язково зверну увагу на нього. Хочу спробувати свої сили та отримати сертифікат!