План-конспект уроку англійської мови для 4 класу до теми “Улюблені казкові герої”
Автор: вчитель англійської мови Супрученко Світлана Іванівна
Тема уроку: Книги – наші друзі
Мета уроку:
- повторити лексичні одиниці до теми, удосконалювати навички самостійного читання, тренувати навичку аудіювання;
- розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, довготривалу оперативну пам’ять, культуру спілкування;
- виховувати любов до читання та прищеплювати бережне ставлення до книжок.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Обладнання: малюнки, портрет Роберта Стівенсона, роздатковий матеріал, аудіо запис тексту «У бібліотеці», магнітофон, мультимедійна дошка, презентація, пазли з зображенням казкових героїв.
Особистісно – орієнтовані технології.
Пошуковий та репродуктивний методи.
Інтерактивні прийоми.
Хід уроку
І. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
- Організаційний момент.
T: The bell has gone! Stand up, please! Stand still! Look at me everybody!
T: Good afternoon children!
Pl: Good afternoon teacher!
T: Nice to meet you!
Pl: Nice to meet you too!
T: How are you today?
Pl: We are fine. And you?
T: I am fine too. Thank you. Sit down please! Put your hands on your desks, sit straight! Are you ready for the lesson?
That’s very good. And I am very glad that all of you are fine today and we can work hard at our English lesson. So, listen to me very attentively, work with me and enjoy English! Let’s start!
- What date is it today?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent in your group?
- Why are (is) they absent?
Черговий: The classroom is ready for the lesson. The blackboard is clean, the duster is wet. There is a piece of chalk on the blackboard too.
- Опис погоди
- We continue our lesson. And as usually let’s have a talk about today’s weather, season and month. Whose turn to be the teacher today?
When the weather is fine you want to go outdoors and to play with your friends. But when the weather is bad you want to stay at home and to do something interesting. What do you like doing in bad weather?
- Фонетична зарядка.
Most of you like reading. It is very good. It will not be difficult to guess the riddle which I prepared for our phonetical drills. Today we shall drill two sounds:
[i:] – field, seed, indeed
[i] – it, is, indeed
The field is white,
Black is the seed, the man who sows it,
Is cleaver indeed (a book).
As you understand it is the riddle. Listen to it one more time and say what it is.
- Оголошення теми уроку
It is a book. Right you are. A book is a main source of knowledge. It is impossible to become an educated person without books. So the topic of our lesson is “The books are our best friends”. During the lesson you will be able to revise the words learned at the previous lesson, to improve your reading, listening and speaking skills.
II. Основна частина
First of all – what books do you like reading?
- Where can we get books?
- How often do you visit our school library?
- Most of you visit library. What must you keep if you joined the library
- Аудіювання
T: I propose you to listen to the text about the best schoolchildren’s friends. Try to understand who they are! Pay attention to the library rules, because after listening you’ll get the task.
- What are the best friends for children?
- Where do books live?
- Who can help you to chose the book in the library?
Take these sheets of paper and complete the library rules. Be quick you have got only two minutes.
Library rules
- Wash your hands before …………
- Do not write ……………..
- Do not make ……………..
- Do not …………………..
- Do not …………………..
- Return ……………………
- Читання
T:You like reading and books. Who writes books? And of course you have got your favourite writers.
- What is your favourite writer?
Now we shall read the text about one of the famous English writers Robert Luis Stevenson . You will read this text yourself. Look at this text there is no any title. Your task is to read the text and to give the title to it. Then we’ll choose the best variant. There are some unknown words in the text.
Before reading I want to play your attention to them and explain the meanings of these words.
Robert Luis Stevenson [rbətlu:isstivnsn] – Роберт Луіс Стівенсон
treasure [ˈtrɛʒər] – скарб
island [ˈaɪlənd] – острів
engineer [ɛndʒɪˈnɪər] – інженер
totravel [ˈtrævl] – подорожувати
publish [ˈpʌblɪʃ] – опубліковувати
PB:ex.1,p. 47
Tasks: Find the end of the sentences.
- Robert Luis Stevenson was born……….
- The boy was often ill and during ………………….
- He had no ……………………
- His best friends ……………….
- The boy wrote stories of adventures………………………
- In 1883 Stevenson ……………………….
- What was Stevenson?
- When and where was he born?
- What did he like?
- What did he write?
- When did he publish his book “Treasure Island”?
- Опис казкових героїв
T: Each book has its characters. Some of them are clever and polite, other are silly and funny. We like some of them and don’t like others. And now we are going to speak about characters. To describe the hero we have to revise the lexical unites. Look! This magic apples helps you say what your hero is like. And these pictures can help you to describe the appearance of your characters.
- What can you say about first one?
- What is the second like?
And now I want to introduce you my favourite character (учитель описує свого улюбленого героя за допомогою опори на дошці).
Now your turn. I hope you will do this task easily.
- Робота у групах
T: We shall work in groups. Will you make the group of four. Two of your group will make jigsaw puzzles. One of you will say what your character is like? Other will say what your hero looks like.
- Усна бесіда за темою
T: The last point of our lesson is to give answer to the question “Why do children read books”?
III. Заключна частина
T: We are through with the lexical material on the topic “Books are our best friends”. I hope that you’ve had a good time during our lesson.
Домашнє завдання
Prepare your own task (exercises, poems, crosswords, puzzles) for developing listening, writing, reading or speaking skills on the theme “Books are our best friends ”.
At the end of the lesson we can say without hesitation that books are really the best friends. Because reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. So, don’t lose your books – it means that you lose your friends!
Розробку методично витримана . Урок насичений і, безперечно, корисний, адже розвиває всі види мовленнєвої діяльності учнів. Але, на мою думку, занадто складний для учнів четвертого класу. І – не яскравий, не КАЗКОВИЙ. Не завадили б відео, яскрава презентація, або елементи театралізованого дійства. Можливо, щось подібне вчитель планує на наступні уроки даної теми. Дякую за публікацію!
Урок сформульований методично правильно, змістовний. Педагог використовує сучасні методи навчання, сучасні засоби навчання. Єдине, що у 4 класі необхідно проводити фізкультхвилинки. Скористаюсь конспектом і на своїх уроках
Дуже корисний і цікавий урок.