Professional development plan
Автор: вчитель англійської мови Касьянова Лілія Вадимівна
Професійні поради вчителям англійської мови відповідно до зросту особистісного розвитку вчителя у сучасній школі і можливість оперативної перевірки своїх досягнень на даному етапі професійної діяльності.
Professional development plan
Look at your career profile and yourself evaluation, identify areas that you need to or want to develop. Here is template to help you get started. Use it as it is or adapt it in any way you want to better suit you. Some examples of how to use it are given. You can choose as many goals as you like, but be realistic – don’t take on too much or you may not complete it. Use the plan in conjunction with the progress checklist so that you can monitor your progress.
Development area
Focus | Motivation.
Differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. |
Goals | To improve my learners motivation |
| My learners often seem uninterested in learning and only seem interested in getting through tests. They have poor learning skills, I want to try to promote more active involvement and enjoyment of learning. |
Action/ tools | Research subject through reading, discussing with colleagues, seeking feedback from learners, classroom action research. Try out ideas from research. Get involved in peer observation. |
Estimated time needed | Continuing throughout one term. |
Development area
| Classroom management |
Focus | Lesson stages |
Goals | Link stages more effectively and make smoother transitions. |
| I feel my lessons can seem disjointed and my learners confused about what I am asking them to do. |
Action/ tools | Research publication Conduct classroom action research. Record practice in learning many and reffect on what when right/wrong. Ask colleague to observe this point and provide feedback. Ask learners to say how they feel at different stages. |
Estimated time needed | One month. |
Self – evaluation checklist
Complete the checklist to find out what you know, what you can do, what you need to find out and what you’d like to explore. You can do it yourself or with a colleague. Put a tick in the boxes next to the things you feel most confident about a cross for things you feel you don’t know enough about and a question mark next to the ones you aren’t sure about or know a little bit about. There are blank boxes at the bottom of each section. You can use these to add in any other areas that are important to you.
Methodology: I am familiar with different teaching approaches and am able to select the most appropriate approach for achieving learning outcomes. | Х | ? | |
I have a range of techniques to encourage participation and stimulate discussion. | |||
I know how to use a range of resources, materials and technology to create positive learning experiences. | |||
I use different assessment tools to assess learners and provide them with constructive feedback. | |||
I have an effective system for recording learners’ work and performance. | |||
I us a range of correction techniques for different types of classroom activities. | |||
I use English throughout the lesson. |
Syllabus and lesson planning: I am able to plan lessons and develop courses effectively. | Х | ? | |
I know how to select and discard items from the textbook based on relevance to my learners. | |||
I know how to vary lesson plan components for different types of lesson objectives. | |||
I can desing materials and activities that meet my learners’ needs and interests. | |||
I know how and where to locate teaching resources. | |||
My planning takes into consideration potential learning problems and ways of dealing with these. | |||
I plan my lessons to ensure balance and variety. |
My own development: I select the continuing professional development tools relevant for me. | Х | ? | |
I use a range of tools to help me assess and reflect on my teaching. | |||
I know how and where to find out about research on teaching and learning. | |||
I regularly consult publication, colleagues and research to support my development as a teacher. | |||
I know where to find out about workshops, seminars and conferences relevant to my context. | |||
I am familiar with the different ways in which I can continue to develop professionally. |
Development tools
Tool | What is it? |
Classroom action research | A discovery process where teachers explore aspects of classroom teaching or learning, solve problems or ask questions about everyday work. It can be done atone or with a colleague or group of colleagues The aim is to improve or enhance your teaching and/or your students’ learning. • gather information • discuss, analyse, reflect • implement changes |
Learning diary | A place where you write down, reflect on and review what happens during your classroom practice. It can help you to explore your experiences, identify problems/issues set goals and plan. |
Peer observation | Watch colleagues teach. The focus can be on a selected aspect of teaching or on a particular type of lesson, a problem or an approach invite a colleague to your class and ask them to observe and give feedback on an area you are interested in develop or experimenting with. |
Team teaching | Arrange to teach classes with a colleague so that you can reflect on and explore issues together and decide what changes to implement. |
Learner feedback | Engage learners – discuss teaching, and learning with them. Design questionnaires asking for feedback an your lessons. Ask for their suggestions on what could be included/improved/changed.
Reading and research | TEFL publications, periodicals, websites. See resources. |
Buddy | Participate in co-operative development. Share experiences, problems and development with a colleague. |
Development plan | A document that sets out your goals. How you will achieve them, how you will review them and now much time it will take. |
Mentor | Seek advice and guidance from a more experienced colleague. Invite him or her to observe your lessons and give you feedback. Become a mentor yourself and keep a diary reflecting on your experiences. |
Case study | Do some research with one of your learners, or a group of your learners. Investigate their learning experiences to find out how to help them to learn better. |
дуже цікавий матеріал на завжди актуальну теми, добре описані кроки, які необхідні для професійного розвитку. Допомагає визначити свої слабкі місця та працювати нах вирішеннням цих питань.
Питання професійного саморозвитку описано чітко, логічно та грамотно. Добре те, що вчитель подає шаблон для визначення професійного саморозвитку вчителя, що надасть можливість визначити сильні та слабкі сторони власної діяльності. Вчитель може вибрати сам основні цілі, які ставить перед собою. Цілі – надзвичайно актуальні, особливо підвищення мотивації учіння, побудова уроку з плавними переходами між етапами, як планувати уроки…. Все дуже сподобалося і велике спасибі за подачу матеріалу на англійській мові!!!!!