Питання для контролю навичок говоріння у 8 класі
До підручника Карпюк О.Д. Англійська мова 8 клас
8 form SPEAKING 1st term
1. Back to school.
- What is your school?
- What can you say about the school facilities?
- What lessons are interesting for you?
- Do you like all the teachers in your school?
- Do you think that teachers should be strict?
- What lessons are boring for you?
- Are you allowed to do everything you wish at the lessons?
- Do you keep the school rules?
- Have you got many lessons every day?
- Are there any labs and workshops in the school?
- Where does PE lesson usually take place?
- Is there a football team in school?
- Are the teachers strict?
- What rules have you got in your school?
- Do you like to go to school? Why? Why not?
2.. I need a book.
- Do you like reading?
- Have you got many books at home?
- Do you read much?
- Do you prefer to read English books?
- What famous British and American writers do you know?
- What is your favourite book?
- Is there any library nearby your house?
- How often do you go to the library?
- What books can you find in the library?
- How long do you usually keep books?
- Who helps you to choose books?
3. Music’s everywhere.
- What kind of music do you like?
- What music styles do you prefer ?
- Who’s your favourite singer ?
- What’s your favourite group?
- How often do you go to different performances (concerts, operas, ballets)?
- Who do you prefer to go to different performances with?
- What music style do you like most of all?
- Is there anybody who you are crazy about?
- What kind of music are you interested in?
- Do you like folk music?
- Is folk music popular with young people in your country?
- How many people are there in your favourite band?
- What kind of music does your favourite band play?
- What instruments does your favourite band play?
- What is your favourite band’s last CD called?
- Where did your favourite band’s last concert take place?
- Was your favourite band on tour in your town?
Погоджуюсь з пані Оксаною, потрібно формулювати запитання так, щоб не було короткої однозначної відповіді так/ні, а спонукати учнів до розмови, щоб їм хотілося висловити свою думку з приводу заданої теми.
Гарні запитання, складені по розділах відповідних тем. Але потрібно якось обіграти цей контроль говоріння, бо “сухі ” запитання не будуть дуже цікавими для учнів.