Питання для контролю навичок говоріння у 8 класі

До підручника Карпюк О.Д. Англійська мова 8 клас

8 form   SPEAKING 1st term

1. Back to school.

  1. What is your school?
  2. What can you say about the school facilities?
  3. What lessons are interesting for you?
  4. Do you like all the teachers in your school?
  5. Do you think that teachers should be strict?
  6. What lessons are boring for you?
  7. Are you allowed to do everything you wish at the lessons?
  8. Do you keep the school rules?
  9. Have you got many lessons every day?
  10. Are there any labs and workshops in the school?
  11. Where does PE lesson usually take place?
  12. Is there a football team in school?
  13. Are the teachers strict?
  14. What rules have you got in your school?
  15. Do you like to go to school? Why? Why not?

2.. I need a book.

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. Have you got many books at home?
  3. Do you read much?
  4. Do you prefer to read English books?
  5. What famous British and American writers do you know?
  6. What is your favourite book?
  7. Is there any library nearby your house?
  8. How often do you go to the library?
  9. What books can you find in the library?
  10. How long do you usually keep books?
  11. Who helps you to choose books?

3. Music’s everywhere.

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. What music styles do you prefer ?
  3. Who’s your favourite singer ?
  4. What’s your favourite group?
  5. How often do you go to different performances (concerts, operas, ballets)?
  6. Who do you prefer to go to different  performances with?
  7. What music style do you like most of all?
  8. Is there anybody who you are crazy about?
  9. What kind of music are you interested in?
  10. Do you like folk music?
  11. Is folk music popular with young people in your country?
  12. How many people are there in your favourite band?
  13. What kind of music does your favourite band play?
  14. What instruments does your favourite band play?
  15. What is your favourite band’s last CD called?
  16. Where did your favourite band’s last concert take place?
  17. Was your favourite band on tour in your town?

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2 коментарі

  1. Погоджуюсь з пані Оксаною, потрібно формулювати запитання так, щоб не було короткої однозначної відповіді так/ні, а спонукати учнів до розмови, щоб їм хотілося висловити свою думку з приводу заданої теми.

  2. Гарні запитання, складені по розділах відповідних тем. Але потрібно якось обіграти цей контроль говоріння, бо “сухі ” запитання не будуть дуже цікавими для учнів.