Розробка уроку англійської мови 4 клас “Птахи навколо нас”

Автор: вчитель англійської мови Горай Олена Вікторівна

Горай Олена ВікторівнаТема: Природа. Птахи навколо нас

Мета: активізувати лексичний матеріал за темою, повторити ступені порівняння прикметників, удосконалювати навички аудіювання та вміння описувати птахів, визначаючи їхні  істотні ознаки;

Розвивати мовленнєві і пізнавальні здібності, розвивати вміння аналізувати, пам»ять, логічне мислення, творчі здібності та самостійність;

Сприяти розвиткові самостійності мислення і вміння працювати в групах, сприяти розширенню світогляду учнів, використовувати ігрові технології при проведенні уроку;

Виховувати позитивне ставлення до англійської мови, прищеплювати любов до природи.

Обладнання: аудіо запис, підручник, текст для читання, роздавальний матеріал з завданнями, ребуси, презентація,  відеозапис.

Тип уроку: повторення та закріплення вивченого лексичного матеріалу

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

(Звуки морських птахів)

Teacher: Good morning, children!  I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Sit down, please. You heard the sounds of some birds. As you understood today we have an unusual lesson about the birds.  We are going to listen to the texts, guess the riddles and make the presentations about the birds.

Teacher: Now let`s revise the poem you learnt.

In the cold winter weather

Wind blows the swan`s feathers.

Head under its wing,

It is waiting for spring.

  1. Актуалізація опорних знань.

Teacher: At home you prepared the crosswords with the words from this unit.

  • Крило
  • Дзьоб
  • Пір»я
  • Розумний
  • Небезпека
  • Гілка
  • Пірнати
  • Батько
  • Дикий
  • Лебідь


  1. Основна частина.

1)  Listening to the text

1.1 Pre-listening stage

Teacher: We are going to listen to some short texts about the birds on the pictures.

(Pictures of birds are on the board: swan, flamingo, eagle, penguin and peacock). Read the questions to the texts too.


The swan is a large white bird with a long neck and an orange beak. It lives on lakes and rivers. It is very graceful. It can fly and it can swim. The little swan is cygnet. Cygnets are grey so they do not look pretty.

The flamingo is a water bird. It has a large hooked beak and very long legs. Its feathers are pink and white. It lives in warm countries.

The eagle lives in the mountains. It can see and hear very good. It has a sharp hooked beak and strong claws. It catches small animals. It flies very fast and it can dive. They build enormous nests.

The penguin lives in and near the sea. Its feathers are black and white. It has webbed feet. It is an excellent swimmer but it cannot fly. It can see well under water. The penguin catches fish in the ocean. It lives in cold or warm places.

The peacock is a very beautiful bird. It has an amazing long tail. Its feathers are green and blue and gold. There are 200 long feathers in the tail. They shine in the sun. It can fly. It sleeps in the tree.

1.2 While- listening stage

Teacher: Write down the names of the birds

1.3 Post-listening stage

Teacher: Let`s answer the questions


Which birds live in, on or near water?

Which bird eats small animals?

Which bird lives in the mountain?

Which bird cannot fly?

Which bird is the most beautiful?

Which bird is the strangest?

Which bird is the funniest?

2) Presentation of the smallest bird

Teacher: We listened to about many birds. They are the most beautiful, the funniest and now we are going to talk about the smallest and the biggest birds. Diana will tell us about the HUMMINGBIRD-the smallest one.

(The pupil is presenting the description)

This bird is very colorful. It can be blue, green, pink, yellow and other colours. It is 5-7 cm long. It lives in tropics. Humming bird cannot walk or hop because its feet are very small. But it can fly in different directions.  The bird eats nectar from the flowers 5-8 times per hour. Its heart beats 1200 times per minute.

3) Presentation of the ostrich

Teacher: Now you can see the text about the biggest bird, the ostrich. But these sentences are mixed. So read the text and order them.


(Children read attentively and think about the correct order)

Teacher: So let us see if we were right.

(Teacher shows the next slide with the whole text)


4) Working in the groups. Describing the birds.

Teacher: Now you will prepare the descriptions of the birds but you will do it in groups. The name of the bird you will know if you guess the riddle.

(Teacher gives the cards with the riddles)

Supplement 1

(When children know the name of the bird teacher gives the text about that bird.)

Teacher: Here you can see the cards with the texts about the bird you guessed. But there are some mistakes in the description. Find them and correct.

The swan

The swan is a small red bird with a long neck and an orange tail. It lives on lakes and rivers. It is very ugly. It can fly and it cannot swim. The little swan is cygnet. Cygnets are grey so they do not look pretty.

The flamingo

The flamingo is a land bird. It has a large hooked wings and very short legs. Its eyes are pink and white. It lives in cold countries.

The eagle

The eagle lives under water. It cannot see and hear very well. It has a tiny hooked beak and strong claws. It catches enormous animals. It flies very slowly in the sky. They build very big nests.

The penguin

The penguin lives in and near the forest. Its feathers are black and yellow. It has webbed wings. It is a bad swimmer but it cannot fly. It can see well under feet. The penguin catches fish in the ocean. It lives in cold or warm places.

The peacock

The peacock is a very ugly bird. It has an amazing short tail. Its legs are green and blue and gold. There are 200 long beaks in the wings. They shine in the sun. It can fly. It sleeps in the tree

Teacher: Check you papers if you were right.

(Teacher gives the correct texts from the listening task)

Teacher: Now you are ready to make your own description. The text about the ostrich will be your plan.

(Children describe the bird on the paper looking on the board)

5) Penguin Dance (фізкультхвилинка)

6) Comparing the pictures

Teacher: Look at the pictures and compare them. Use the phrase on the slide.


7) Riddles about the birds

A night bird with large eyes that eats mice and other small animals (owl)

I am brown and big, I have two big wings, sharp teeth and claws, I eat meat (eagle)

I am a sea bird, I eat fish, I can swim and fly, I keep fish in my beak (pelican)

I can run very fast, I can`t fly, my eggs are huge (ostrich)

A large beautiful white or sometimes black bird, bigger than a duck, with a long neck (swan)

I am a bird, I have two wings, I can swim but I can`t fly (penguin)

This is a bird that talks, Did he say that he`s a carrot? Oh, I must have misheard; He is actually a (parrot)

8) Video about Kyiv Zoo

Teacher: Watch the video and look what birds are in our zoo

4 Заключна частина

  • Повідомлення домашнього завдання

Teacher: Your task will be to find out the names of the birds in Kyiv Zoo and to describe the bird you like.

  • Підбиття підсумків.


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2 коментарі

  1. Дієва і корисна знахідка розробки уроку – це фізкультхвилинка. При багаторазовому її використанні можливим стає запам ятовування тексту пісні і її виконання. Що не тільки зніматиме втому школярів, а й розвиватиме фонематичний слух, правильне вимовляння і артикулювання іншомовних слів.

  2. Олено Вікторівно! Ви провели гарний урок із використанням презентації, розгадування кросворду, ввели дітей в англомовне середовище. Ви не ставили мету перекладу на українську мову. Яким чином Ви дізнаєтеся, чи всі діти розуміють переклад речень?