Розробка занять для літнього мовного табору

Автор: учитель англійської мови Кузнецова Ольга Вікторівна

This year we took part in the Odessa regional project “ Summer Language Camp”. According to the project we had to organize a group of students to meet a volunteer from abroad whose native language is English. The aim of the project was to help young children in learning English, improve their communicative skills during informal talks with a native speaker. We were happy to meet Brian Franck, a volunteer from the USA, in the middle of June 2017. He appeared to be an old disabled man, but he was an interesting talker, a responsible person and a kind man. It was hard for him to walk, so we had to stay in the classroom all the time for our activities. I planned the activities for children but the volunteer, keeping his seat, could interfere at any time with his questions, suggestions, remarks and so on. It was not an easy task to draw children’s attention for 3 hours a day during 2 weeks in summer. I want to share some of my materials with other teachers and be of any help.


This year we took part in the Odessa regional project “ Summer Language Camp”. According to the project we had to organize a group of students to meet a volunteer from abroad whose native language is English. The aim of the project was to help young children in learning English, improve their communicative skills during informal talks with a native speaker. We were happy to meet Brian Franck, a volunteer from the USA, in the middle of June 2017. He appeared to be an old disabled man, but he was an interesting talker, a responsible person and a kind man. It was hard for him to walk, so we had to stay in the classroom all the time for our activities. I planned the activities for children but the volunteer, keeping his seat, could interfere at any time with his questions, suggestions, remarks and so on. It was not an easy task to draw children’s attention for 3 hours a day during 2 weeks in summer. I want to share some of my materials with other teachers and be of any help.

Olga Viktorivna Kuznetsova,

an English teacher ,

Bilyaivska secondary school #1,

town Bilyaivka, Odesa region

Camp Programme

Day 1 (15June): Meeting. Getting aсquainted. About yourself.

Day 2 (16June): Family. Pets. Hobbies.

Day 3 (19June): Weather. Climate. Clothes.

Day 4 (20June): Holidays. Food.

Day 5 (21June): Education. Free time activities.

Day 6 (22June): Music. Visiting music school. Concert.

Day 7 (23June): Sports. Health. Parts of the body.

Day 8 (26June): Career. Professions. Business.

Day 9 (27June): Travelling. Shopping.

Day 10 (29June): The USA. Traditions.

Day 11 (30 June): Ukraine. Traditions.

Day 1. Meeting. Getting acquainted. Introducing yourself.

The aim: Teach children to meet each other and a new person. Learn to introduce yourself, ask questions and answer them, activate the vocabulary and use it in speech.

9 – 9.30 – Meeting children and a volunteer. Making badges. Organizing the class.

9.30 – 9.35 – Uniting in 4 groups. (The key: count by 1,2,3,4).

9.35 – 10.30 – Introducing yourself.

Group 1 – Fruit and vegetables, food. (Flashcards are given to help children).

1st student: I’m Olga. I’m an apple.

2nd student: You’re Olga. You’re an apple. I’m Lisa. I’m a cherry.

3rd student: You’re Olga. You’re an apple. You’re Lisa. You’re a cherry. I’m Nick. I’m a beet etc.

Group 2 – Animals.

Group 3 – Plants.

Group 4 – Means of transport.

Then students change groups. Everybody should be a plant, a kind of transport, an animal, a kind of food.

10.30 – 10.40 – Break

10.40 – 11.00 – Meeting Brian (a volunteer).

On the board there are some figures from Brian’s life. Children should guess what they mean.

e.g. 29 2 65 12 13 8 etc.

S1 – Did you come to Ukraine on the 29th of May?

B – Yes, I did or No, I didn’t.

Every right question is awarded with a small prize (e.g. a candy).

11 – 11.20 – Brainstorming.

Students ask Brian any questions they like.

Brian chooses the best questions and the owners get a small prize.

11.20 – 11.40 – Brainstorming.

Brian asks students questions.

11.40 – 11.50 – Summing-up.

Students write on stickers their impressions of the 1st day at the camp, what they liked and didn’t, what they would like to do and discuss, what they have learned.

They stick them on the desks or on the board.

11.50 – 12.00 – Saying “Good-bye”, free time, free talks.

Hometask. Bring stationeries (copy- books, pens, crayons, markers and so on). Get ready to speak on the next day topic. Revise the vocabulary.

Day 3. Professions. Jobs. Occupations. Career. Business.

The aim. Teach the children communicative skills on the given topic. Learn the peculiarities of the American employment.

9.00-9.05 – Meeting. Saying “Hello”.

9.05 – 9.08. – Phonetic Drilling. Pronouncing a tongue twister.

(the pupils say it after the volunteer)



Three men in a tub,

And who do you think they be?

The butcher, the baker,

The candlestick maker;

Turn them out, knaves all three.

9.08 – 9.30 – Free writing.

For three minutes children are writing as many jobs as they can.

The winner is the one who‘s got the longest list.

He reads his list and the rest cross out the words they’ve got.

Then everybody adds the words left.

The winner is the last to name a job.(a prize)

9.30 – 9.35 – Meeting the reporter from the local newspaper.

9.35 – 10.15 – An interview with Brian for the local newspaper.

10.15 – 10.30 – Brainstorming the reporter about her job.

10.30 – 10.40 – Break.

10.40 – 11.00 – Game.

There are 4 circles.

S1: I’m Svitlana. I’d like to be a dentist.

S2: You’re Svitlana. You’d like to be a dentist. I’m Nick. I’d like to be a doctor. Etc.

11.00 – 11.20 – Doing crosswords, grids, gap filling and so on.

You may hand out the material or use the blackboard, etc.

11.20 – 11.35 – Game. Telephone.

11.35 – 12.00 – Mime game.

12.00 – Saying “Good-bye.”

Additional material.

Questions to the volunteer.

  1. Is it easy for graduates and school leavers to find a job in your country?
  2. Do most people start a career immediately?
  3. What else might they do?

The teacher asks children to:

Write 3 jobs you’d love to do.

Write 3 jobs you wouldn’t mind doing.

Write 3 jobs you hate doing.

Fill in the gaps with the words given:

An accountant, a social worker, a graphic designer, a nanny, a sales representative, an IT consultant.

  1. A nanny looks after children.
  2. ______ looks after a company’s money.
  3. ______ sells a company’s products.
  4. ______ gives advice about computer systems.
  5. ______ helps families with problems.
  6. ______ designs magazines, adverts, etc.

Find the appropriate definition

  1. vet write books
  2. farmer look after people’s teeth
  3. tour guide grow crops and keep animals
  4. author treat sick animals
  5. dentist take people in trips
  6. cowboy perform in plays and films
  7. waiter look after cattle
  8. actor draw and paint pictures
  9. fire fighter put out fires
  10. artist serve customers in a restaurant

Guess who I am.

  1. I look after people’s teeth. I’m a ___________(dentist)
  2. I serve customers in a restaurant. I’m a ________ (waiter)
  3. I put out fires. I’m a __________ (fire man).
  4. I treat sick animals. I’m a _______ (vet)
  5. I draw and paint pictures, I’m an _____(artist)
  6. I grow crops and keep animals. I’m a _______ (farmer)

Fill in the letters.

  1. _rt _ st 2. b _ _ ld _ r 3. ch _ _ f 4. d _ ct _ r 5. _ ng _ n _ _ r 6. f _rm _ r
  2. h _ _ rdr _ s s_ r 8.m _ ch _ n _ c 9. n _ rs _ 10. p_ l_ t _ c _ _ n
  3. sc _ _ nt _ st 12. s _ cr _ t _ ry

Guess the job of a person.

  1. A person who designs buildings. (architect)
  2. A person who looks after your teeth. (dentist)
  3. A person who buys and sells houses. (estate agent)
  4. A person who looks after the water system. (plumber)
  5. A doctor for animals. (vet)
  6. A person who makes furniture out of wood. (carpenter)
  7. A person who writes articles for a newspaper. (journalist)
  8. A person who operates on sick people. (surgeon)

Choose the correct word.

  1. A soldier/ An electrician is a member of the army.
  2. A vet/ paramedic is not a doctor, but looks after sick people.
  3. A lecturer/ nanny teaches at university.
  4. An accountant/ A sales rep checks the finances of a company.
  5. A travel agent/ An estate agent sells holidays.
  6. A fire fighter/ fisherman works in burning buildings.

Day 5. Holidays. Food.

Aim. Learn the culture of the USA concerning holidays and food. Develop communicative skills on the topic.

9.00-9.05 – Meeting. Saying “Hello”.

9.05 – 9.10. – Phonetic Drilling. Pronouncing tongue twisters about food.

1 banana, 2 bananas, 3 bananas, 4,

5 bananas, 6 bananas, 7 bananas, more,

8 bananas, 9 bananas, 10 bananas, see,

10 bananas for the monkeys sitting on the tree.

Betty Botta bought some butter…..

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers …..

Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round …..

I scream, you scream, we all scream for the ice-cream.

9.10 – 9.30 – Making a mind map.

Christmas Independence Day Independence Day Christmas

Easter Holidays in Ukraine Easter Holidays in the USA

New Year’s Day Women’s Day Thanksgiving Day New Year’s Day

9.30 – 10.00 – Speaking.

  1. What holidays are the same?
  2. Do we celebrate them in the same way in both countries?
  3. What holidays are different?
  4. How do we (they) celebrate them?
  5. What are the most popular holidays?
  6. What is your favourite holiday? Why?

10.00 – 10.15 – Mime game. My favourite holiday.

10.15 – 10.35 – Debate. Do we need holidays?

10.35 – 10.45 – Break.

10.45 – 11.00 – Group work.

Students talk about:

A special time for my family is_____________

We eat_____________

We visit____________ (place, people)

We give_____________(e.g. type of gifts/money/food/actions)

I help……

set the table

fold serviettes

wash up after a meal

clear up wrapping paper/boxes

put away cutlery

11.00 – 11.05 – Flashcard work.

11.05 – 11.10 – Writing.

What food do you like?

What food do you dislike?

What food is good for us?

What food is harmful?

11.10 – 11.30 – Games

In circles:

  1. I’m Alina. I like apples.
  2. You’re Alina. You like apples. I’m Marina. I like cutlets. Etc.

Guess game:

It is round. It is orange. Etc. What is it?

11.30 – 11.45 – Listening. Fruits’ Life.

(The volunteer reads the text for the children)

Fruits’ Life

Once there lived 6 fruits. They were: Orange, Pear, Water-melon, Nut and Cherries. So they all lived in one vase that was on the table near the window. There were 5 flats inside the vase. Now I’ll describe it.

Orange lived in the first flat. There was a red sofa near the window. On the window- sill there were beautiful flowers. A TV-set was on the window-sill as well. There was a table and a chair there, too. His room was very clean and tidy.

Pear lived in a small flat. He had only one room. There was a bed, a table and an old green arm-chair in his room. There were many mirrors on the walls. Pear liked to look at himself. It was his hobby to collect mirrors.

Water-melon lived there, too, but his flat was cold as it had no central heating. So he often sat near the fireplace in winter.

Nut had all modern conveniences in his flat. He had a sofa, a table, a chair and a sink in one room.

Cherries lived together. But they didn’t like it. They often quarreled.

One day it rained. And the window was open. A lot of water got inside the house. And in the morning they found themselves in one boat.

Orange put his hands on his cheeks. Pear held his lovely red mirror. Water-melon held his tea spoon. Nut sat quietly in the boat and only cherries fought. So Orange said:

-Oh, I get wet and I haven’t drunk my coffee yet.

– And I don’t drink coffee every morning! – replied Pear.

– What do you drink? – Orange asked.

– Usually I drink tea. – was the answer.

– It’s very important to speak about it now! – interrupted Nut.

– Let’s build or find a new house. – suggested Cherries.

All of them agreed and they built a new house in a new big vase.

Questions. (are given to the children before reading the text)

(window-sill – подоконник; mirror-зеркало; central heating-центральное отопление; fireplace-камин; modern conveniences-современные удобства; sink-раковина; quarrel-ссориться; found themselves-оказались; fought-дрались)

  1. How many fruits lived in a vase?
  2. What were they?
  3. How many flats were there in the vase?
  4. What fruit lived in the first flat?
  5. What furniture was there in the room?
  6. What kind of room was it?
  7. What kind of room did Pear have?
  8. What was there in the room?
  9. What did Pear like? What was his hobby?
  10. What kind of room did Water-melon have? Why?
  11. What was his favourite place in the room?
  12. What did Nut have in his room?
  13. What fruits shared the room? Did they like it?
  14. 14. What did they often do?
  15. What was the weather like one morning?
  16. Where did the fruits find themselves?
  17. Were the fruits happy there? Why?
  18. What did they decide to do?
  19. What was their house like?

11-45 – 12.00 – Singing songs.

Come to dinner, (twice)

There’s the bell, (twice)

Bacon and potatoes, (twice)

Ding-dong-dell. (twice)

Pizza for the king.

12.00 – Hometask . Write the menu for the school canteen.

Day 6. Music.

Aim. Develop communicative skills on the topic. Learn about music art in the USA. Teach children to listen and understand classical music. Expand the vocabulary concerning musical instruments, types of music and preferences.

9.00 – 9.05 – Meeting.

9.05 – 9.10 – Phonetic Drill.

 Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon;

The little dog laughed

To see such fun,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

9.10 – 9.20 – Game. Microphone.

Say as many words as you can about music.

The winner is the last to say a word.

9.20 – 9.30 – Listening to music.

Listen to 4 pieces of classical music and say what season it is.

(The answer is: 1. Spring 2. Summer 3. Winter 4. Autumn)

What was your favourite piece and why?

9.30 – 9.35 – Game. Microphone.

Say as many types of music as you can.

9.35 – 9.45 – Listening.

Listen to the music and guess the type of music you hear.

Rock – 1, rap – 5, jazz – 2, techno – 4, country – 8, pop – 3, classical – 6

reggae – 9, heavy metal – 7.

9.45 – 10.00 – After–listening activity.

What is your favourite kind of music?

I’m crazy about ………

I can’t stand ……….

I love ………..

I like………….

I enjoy………..

I don’t mind………..

I hate …………..

I don’t like……………………

10.00 – 10.05 – Game. Microphone.

Say as many musical instruments as you know.

10.05 – 10.10 – Flashcards game.

10.10 – 10.20 – Listening to music.

Piano -3; guitar – 1; drums – 4; banjo -6; electric bass – 8; violin – 2; harmonica – 7; harp – 5.

10.20 – 10.30 – After-listening activities

Which is your favourite? Can you play any musical instrument?

10.30 – 12.00 – Attending the concert at the music school.

Additional material

Listening and reading

Here’s the band (English World 2 by Mary Bowen & Liz Hocking)

Listening and singing a song

I am the music man (English World 2)

Day 9. Travelling. Shopping.

Aim. To develop communicative skills, expand students’ view.

Equipment: a map of the world, poster, flashcards, handout material, a CD, a CD player.

9.00 – 9.05 – Meeting. Saying ‘Hello.’

9.O5 – 9.08 – Phonetic Drill.

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle came to town,

Riding on a pony;

He stuck a feather in his cap

And called it macaroni.

First he bought a porridge pot,

And then he bought a ladle,

And then he trotted home again

As fast as he was able.

A sailor went to the sea

To see what he could see

And all he could see

Was sea, sea, sea.

Where are you going to, my little cat?

“I’m going to town to buy a hat.”

What? A hat for a cat?

Who’s ever seen a cat in a hat?

9.08 – 9.15 – Listening and singing a song.

Listen to the song and fill in the missing words.

Our World

The world is full of different places,

Different 1) people, different faces,

North and South and 2) East and West –

Where’s the place you 3) like best?

Tall, short, 4) fat or thin,

Different colour hair, 5) eyes and skin,

Men, women, 6) boys or girls –

We are people of the same world.

9.15 – 9.30 – Brainstorming.

  1. Have you ever travelled?
  2. Where did you go?
  3. How did you go there?
  4. Who did you go with?
  5. What was the weather like?
  6. What did you do there?
  7. What did you enjoy most/least? Etc.
  8. Why do people travel?

9. 30 – 9. 40 – Making a mind map.

To go sightseeing to make friends to learn culture and language

For leisure Why do people travel? On business

For adventure for shopping to move away from the family

9.40 – 9.50 – Pair work.

Look at the poster and speak about the children.

Where’s Ann from?

She’s from Britain.

What’s her nationality?

She’s British (English).

What language does she speak?

She speaks English.

9.50 – 10.00 – Game “Microphone”.

What countries, nationalities, languages do you know?

S1 – Ukraine, S2 – Ukrainian, S3 – Ukrainian.

S4 – English , S3 – Englishman, S4 – English etc.

10.00 – 10.20 – Game. Where are you from?

Students are united in circles.

S1 – I’m Max. I’m from Scotland. And you?

S2 – You’re Max. You’re from Scotland. I’m Ira. I’m from Argentina. And you?

10.30 – 10.40 – Flashcards game. Means of transport.

10.40 – 10.50 – Listening and singing a song.

 Going around

When I want to go on a trip

I always go by 1) train.

It takes me where I want to go

And brings me 2) back again.

Everybody travels

To places 3) near and far

By bus or train, by boat or plane,

Bicycle or 4) car

When we go into the 5) town

We often go by bus.

There’s a bus stop near our 6) house

It’s so easy for us!

When I go to school each 7) day

I like to go by 8) bike,

And at the weekends when I’m free

I go just where I like.

10.50 – 11.00 – Speaking.

  1. What is your favourite means of transport? Why?
  2. What other ways of travelling do you know?
  3. Have you ever travelled by elephant? (camel?) etc.

11.00 – 11.05 – Matching. Unusual means of transport.

Match the countries with the means of transport.

  1. Egypt a)yellow taxis
  2. India b) camels
  3. Canada c) gondolas
  4. Venice d) rickshaws
  5. Asia e) elephants
  6. The United Kingdom f) sky trains
  7. New York g) red buses

Key: 1-b; 2-e; 3-f; 4-c; 5-d; 6-g; 7-a

 11.05 – 11.15 – Riddles.

  1. What means of transport is it? It has got 4 wheels, wipers, a horn. It can carry children to school. (A school bus)
  2. The fastest way of travelling. (By plane)
  3. The place where we buy tickets for the train. (A booking office)
  4. The place where you can order a tour. (A travel agency)
  5. The slowest way of travelling.
  6. The place where our documents are checked. (Customs area)
  7. The place where we register our tickets. (Registration counter)
  8. A person who serves us in the plane. (A hostess)
  9. A person on the platform who carries our bags. (A porter)

11.15 – 11.30 – Writing. (practical task)

Fill in an immigration card. (Everybody gets a card and tries to fill it in. The teacher or the volunteer helps if necessary)

11.30 – 12.00 – Game Quiz.

  1. Where do you live? (Ukraine)
  2. What nationality are people from the USA? (Americans)
  3. Is Spanish the official language in Brazil? (No. Portuguese)
  4. What country is this? (England)
  5. How many regions are there in Ukraine? (24)
  6. United Kingdom or the United Kingdom? (The)
  7. Fill in the article: I live in __America. I live in __United States of __America. (-, the,-)
  8. Choose the correct preposition: to travel for/to pleasure. (for)
  9. Can a word become shorter if we add one syllable to it? (Yes. Short – shorter)
  10. Correct the mistake: Have you ever went on a trip? (gone)
  11. How do you get to school? (on foot/by school bus/by car/by bike)
  12. Can you travel on a plane? (No. By plane)
  13. Which means of transport does not require tickets? ( a car/ a bike/ on foot)
  14. What transport is it? A series of connected railroad cars pulled or pushed by one or more locomotives. (a train)
  15. The main city of the country is called its …. (capital).
  16. What is the name of the English Queen? (Elizabeth)
  17. What is the 15th letter in the English alphabet? (O)
  18. What city has the name as the president of the country? (Washington)
  19. Where is the Eiffel Tower? (France)
  20. Where is your native town? ( Continent – Europe, country – Ukraine, region – Odessa, district – Belyaevka)
  21. Where is the Taj Mahal? (India)
  22. Where in the world can you see double-deckers? (The UK)
  23. Where in the world can you see this? (Kyiv)
  24. What is greater than God?

What is more evil than the Devil?

Poor people have it,

Rich people need it.

If you eat it,

You will die. (Nothing)

12.00 – Home assignment.

Do the crossword. (The teacher gives every student a copy)

Additional material.

Pair work. (Students get dialogues to play out)


Students get adverts, booklets, tickets etc. from abroad, study them and then write on a sheet of paper where they have been. They crumple the paper making a ball. Everybody throws his ball to the center of the room then picks up another one from the floor and reads. He goes around the room asking a question: Have you been to …… He has to find the person who has written in the ball the student has.


On the wall there is vocabulary for students to revise, to look through or to check.

Listening to a song and filling in the missing words.

Let’s go shopping (“Click On” Starter)

Matching the names of shops with their definitions.

Matching the shops with the objects you can buy there.


Every student gets a shopping list. He goes around the classroom asking students: Where can I buy cheese? (A shirt etc) The student he comes up to must say the name of the shop. (At the dairy, at the mall etc.)

Quiz. What are they?

  1. The thing you pay with if you pay in cash. (money) etc.

Use of English. Multiple choice.

Doing a crossword.

Playing out dialogues. Etc.

Newspaper “English” #40/2010; #8/2013

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4 коментарі

  1. Також дякую за публікацію! Дуже цікавий і корисний матеріал. Важлово, що, як чудово звучить це англійською: It works. Матеріали можна використовувати (особливо тематичні ігри та творчі завдвння) навіть у літньому таборі середньої школи – цікаво і допомагає повторити теми, що відпрацьовувались протягом навчального року.Дякую!

  2. дуже корисний та насичений матеріал. із задоволенням використаю його для своїх занять. ігрові форми роботи дуже цікаві та допоможуть з легкістю засвоїти та повторити вивчене за рік. Дякую

  3. Добре, що навіть влітку знаходиться час для занять мовою. Матеріал для літнього табору підходящий, цілком гідний. Крім тематичних мовних завдань, є ще і ігри, що дозволяє змінити види діяльності вихованців.

  4. Спасибі, що поділтлися подібним матеріалом. Буду рекомендувати його своїм колегам, що працюють в мовному таборі. Ми теж маємо досвід роботи з волонтерами США з Корпусу Миру. Вони надзвичайно активні люди, які допомагають учням цікаво вивчати англійську мову, ровивають мовлення школярів, адже на уроці не завжди це виходить. Заняття скомпоновані по темам, подано орієнтовні форми роботи, наведено зразки ігор, бесід, творчих завдань. Працюйте і діліться своїм корисним досвідом з нами.