Урок у 7 класі з теми Свята
Автор: учитель англ. мови Тисленко Олена Геннадіївна
Я впевнена, що засоби формування комунікативної компетентності мають бути творчими і в той же час – ефективними. Одним із таких засобів є використання нетрадиційних уроків у практиці навчання ІМ.
Я пропоную розробку урока-проекта з використанням ІКТ
Тема: Celebrations (Wedding Traditions)
Практична ціль: формувати навички аудіювання та мовлення; розвивати навички роботи в групі; розширювати лексичний запас з теми; Повторити модальні дієслова.
Навчальна ціль: Розширити знання учнів про культуру своєї країни та англомовних країн; навчати учнів використовувати комп’ютерні програми в процесі вивчення мови.
Розвиваюча ціль: розвивати творче мислення, нестандартний підхід до вивчення теми; розвивати рефлексію, взаємооцінку.
Виховна ціль: розвивати країнознавчу компетенцію, інтерес , цікавість; виховувати толерантність до традицій своєї країни та інших країн.
Обладнання: УМК Opportunities Pre-Intermediate, ноутбук, проектор, екран, фотографії
Хід уроку
- Introduction
The topic of our lesson is CELEBRATIONS. To my mind it’s a pleasant subject to speak on. So I hope we all will enjoy the lesson.
During the class you will:
practice your listening and speaking skills;
practice interacting in a group;
revise modal verbs.
Let’s start!
- Warm-up
To begin with I want you to listen to five people and decide what each person is celebrating. (Don’t panic if you don’t understand everything. Listen to important words and try to link them to the situation.) There are six situations with one extra topic:
getting a new job
passing a driving test
retiring from work
the 18th birthday
winning a scholarship
winning a Hollywood Oscar
( Opportunities Intermediate Ex. 3, page 41)
Well, what other occasions can people celebrate?
(the birth of a baby, finishing school, the New Year, passing an exam, a sports victory, a wedding, winning an award or a prize)
- Introduction to the topic WEDDING
You know, I have great news. Look at the photo. This is my niece. She got married last Sunday. I was invited to the wedding reception. It was exciting! By the way, have you ever been to a wedding?
- Vocabulary
Do you remember how we call people who are getting married?
- The bride and the groom (newlyweds, just married, a married couple)
Who helps the bride and the groom?
- The bridesmaid and the best man
Who can perform the ceremony?
- A priest or a register
- Dialogues
Your home assignment was to make up dialogues on the topic. Please, act them out for us.
- A talk between the groom and the best man
- A talk between the bride and the bridesmaid
- A talk of two girls at the wedding
- Listening
You know, wedding ceremonies have some national peculiarities in different countries. Today I have a surprise for you. I have invited an unusual guest. Meet Mrs. Choi San from Japan. Let’s ask her to tell us about Japanese wedding.
A week before the wedding, the groom’s family have to take presents in the red boxes to the bride’s house. Only the men carry them – female members of the family can’t do that. One strange thing is that the bride’s family can send them back if they don’t like them – they don’t have to accept the presents. A few days later, the female members of the bride’s family have to take presents to the groom’s family. On the morning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have to serve tea to their parents. The ceremony is only for the family – guests can’t go to it. But they can go to the reception, when it’s a tradition to shake hand with the happy couple.
Thank you Mrs. Choi San. You may take a seat in our classroom. And we are going on.
There will be two exercises.
Exercise 1. Listen to four sentences and decide if they are true or false.
- A week before the wedding, the bride’s family have to take presents in red boxes to the groom’s house. (False)
- Female members of the family can do that. (False)
- On the morning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and the groom have to serve tea to their parents. (True)
- The family and the guests can take part in the tea ceremony. (False)
Exercise 2. You have Mrs. Choi San’s story in print but there are eight gaps in it. You should fill them up with modal verbs: have to, don’t have to, can, can’t.
Now, exchange your works and check them according to the keys.
- Speaking on Power Point presentations.
Mrs. Choi San wants to know about Ukrainian wedding traditions. I know that you have prepared computer presentations and now you can tell her interesting facts about weddings in our country.
- Reading
We have already talked about traditional weddings. But some people prefer unusual ones. In English they are called Wacky Weddings. (Wacky means unusual, something like crazy)
So, I’ve started a Web-site of Wacky Weddings. You can see it on the screen. It contains two adverts. Let’s read them. (Додаток)
- Group work
Now you are going to work in three groups. Imagine that you are three companies arranging wacky weddings. Make up a short advertising for the Web-site as in my example. You have 7 minutes.
Well, it’s time for your adverts. Choose a speaker and introduce your ideas.
- Home assignment
Well, that’s all for today. At home you are to make a project about your type of Wacky wedding. Work in the same group.
- Summarizing